

April 3, 2014

too cute / comel je

bila nak mandi segala mainan pun dibawa mandi. biasanya ikan plastik tu di tinggal dalam cebuk. yang pertama faiq akan buat, isi air dan snorkel / masuk sebahagian muka jenguk ikan. saya suruh faiq basuh dulu cebuk tu baru isi air sebab takut ada baby nyamuk. faiq selamba ja cakap "terlalu comel anak nyamuk tu mama".. mmm sebelum ni faiq dah tonton majalah 3 tentang aedes, dia suka dan dah cakap too cute the baby nyamuk tu.  eeee

too cute mama, babies are harmless why you said eeee
baby baik kenapa express eeee mama?

when shower time most of toys are brought in the bathroom. normally plastic fish are left in the bucket. first enter, faiq would fill water as if the fish are swimming in and he would snorkel half his face. i would say wash the bucket first then fill water in , coz the mosqitoe's  babies might be there, faiq just simply said they are too cute mama. early on he was too focused on documentary on aedes in majalah 3. at that time he mentioned that "mosquetos' babies
are too cute". eeee


  1. ash belum lagi sampai peringkat ni tapi dia suka sangat dapat air kak....

  2. assalam...awal faiq dh nk mandi ya...

  3. mesti cute jer bila Faiq cakap cam tu..:)

  4. Alolo faiq!
    So mama faiq mesti perah otak dan susun ayat terangkn untuk faiq pasal nyamuk aedes ni hihi
