

March 27, 2014

of course papa / boleh papa

Faiq cakap nak buah oren, so saya potong untuk dia ja, sebab untuk kami ada nangka, Fadya ratah sayur kacang bendi. Puas la Faiq makan ja buah oren tu, papa dia minta skit, dia cakap "opcos papa, of coz papa sambil nak bagi hat dalam mulut tu" hai tu ta elok sangat la Faiq.  Mungkin papa minta masa dah nak abis kut. Teringat saya masa kecik dulu adik saya kawai makanan dia, dia jilat semua, pastu pegi main.

Faiq asked for orange fruit, so I cut one off for him as we got jackfruit to finish, abd Fadya had ladies finger to eat. Faiq was happy that he got the orange fir him but papa want to eat a bit and asked him to give some, Faiq said " of course papa, of course while opening his mouth showing orange half eaten in it. Hmm i said that's not nice at all But maybe papa asked for it too late. It reminds me of my brother to conquer his food by licking all infront of us then went to play. Why la like that.mmm

wash hand dah