

February 11, 2014

Expresi mak iphone / bapa check in

English version below

 Expresi mak saya 

Kami sekeluarga menghadir satu majlis di mana ada beberapa speech tentang kewujudan sesuatu seperti kalau tak de zuckerberg tak ade facebook, tak de steve job tak de iphone, tak de ingva tak de ikea, lepas tu mak saya menyambung bahawa tak de ibu tak de la anak-anak yang memeriah majlis tu :)

Emak saya sangat suka lagu mother dimana liriknya "kepada siapa Kasih sayang, penghormatan kita patut diberi selepas Allah dan Nabi Muhammad saw,; ialah kepada ibu. Jadi dia lega tak perlu mengingati anak2nya dengan adanya lagu tu.

Expresi bapa

Bapa sememangnya happy bila salah seorang anaknya mempunyai rumah dekat klcc. Dia sembang-sembang dengan anak-anak saudaranya. Respons anak-anak saudaranya sangat   prnuh minat

begini "Bila lagi Pak Long nak jemput kami, kami tak sabar nak check in, tempat best macam tu baru best nak check in ni, tak payah susah, kami masak untuk pak long," Paklong pun tanya saya,,check in hotel, saya cakap check in kat hanphone, bagitau depa dah sampai situ :)

English vetsion

Mom's expression

We family attended one function the speech made by member of family, they mentioned the existence of modern world like there is no facebook if there is no zuckerberg, there is no iphone if there is no iphone, there is no ikea if there no ingvar, my mom simply continues there Ibu (mother) there are no her kids to make the function successful, it seems she wanted to be mentioned too. She love the song of mother where the lyrics day "eho should i givr my lovr snd respect afyrr Allah and Rasulullah, whos next? Mother.

With the song she no need to remind her kids already.

dad's expression

It seems that my dad is happy that one of his children has a place near klcc.

So he just small talk to his nieces about it, this is their response 

"Pak long,, so when are you inviting us, ee are excited to check in, that is the best place to check in. Pak long no need to treat us but ee go and cook for you pak long, we cant wait to checkin, then my dad turned and ask check in hotel? I said check in at the phone to mark that they have been there :)


  1. bahagianya masih punya ibu untuk kita buat kebaikan pada dia, dan ayah yang baik, saya masih ada ayah..tapi jauh..jauh di mata, jauh di hati...:(

  2. Assalamualaikum.. hehee ekspresi yang berbeza kan..
