

January 25, 2014

Wiser to wish...

Thursday, 23 January 2014

I have experience that moves me to exactly that I want to own

Early on I wanted so much to have a business to develop income in my pocket, but I got "busyness"
Kiosk at Tesco Curve
Yummilicious Cupcakes


that I could not attend to anything even to snap photos of my activities at that time. I chose cupcakes as products and I produced them myself, the productions become heavy took my energy for the right things, people and activities.I tried even open a kiosk at Tesco, Mutiara Damansara, I got the supporters were my family, my mom came and bought many. It was fun but it is easy as I sell food and people come to us, we do not have to say please come and try and all, but off course they asked a lot of questions.The income that was my aim, not the busyness that get me so occupied til no time for others.

My hubby encourages activities that he can be part of it not like me spending in the kitchen when he is around. That awakes me too, so even blogging I get him involve like reading or get some ideas what to blog.He likes if i told jokes about my dad because my dad is a spontanneous jovial person.

"One example is that I baked cupcakes took sometimes to finish one batch yet it is not healthy but it is a happy moment to eat it. But my dad said "ala the easy way is to put two piece of daun or leaves (2 helai daun salad), apply mayonaise and add shrimps and ready to eat,  semua ni trick ja, charge dekat RM20/- as he had it at Ikea.

I think it is so true and funny too. I pray for income not extra coming moves to fill my time so i start saving with the money that I tend to buy flour, sugar and etc :)


  1. all the best for the business venture..cupcakes, muffins and 'yang sama waktu dengannya' are my fav...sometimes good income is the main motivator..

  2. drop here to see your cupcake.

    good effort dear. do something different than others, I mean in term of quality of the up cake. pray for your success

    Done follow you

  3. semoga bisnis yg diceburi menggembirakan hati dan berjaya...macamanalah rupa cupcakes yg sedap tu ya...

  4. Visiting here and follow! :D
