

January 28, 2014

Pilihan hari ini menjadi ceria dengan kuasaNya

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

"I am cheered with His permits"

I know I blog about my morning most but its kind spontaneous feeling though I have called hubby and mom to share the story already. I am cheered by a beautiful cheerleader. She is only five years old, her name is Dania. She is helpful and care for Faiq at school.
Chak :)

She would say "Hi Faiq" and kiss him on the cheek sometime, even Yuen Shen did that too but Dania took and carried Faiq's bag to the class, see how thoughtful is Dania for Faiq.

Today at the car after Faiq went in, teacher Fariza told me that Dania wore scarf yesterday. The teacher asked her why all of a sudden she wears scarf,  and she answered

   "I want to look like Faiq's mom"  said Faiq's friend Dania.

How sweet and touched me in the heart. The the teacher continues that I have an admirer that all never thought. I feel embarrassed but say my scarf a little longer now because today I put on like Sophia Loren in convertible car and the teacher smile said sweet too.I like to find Dania's photos if I have in school's album. Dania is a beautiful girl, I think I ever told her that.

Wassalam with love,Fair


  1. Assalamualaikum kak, kasi satu gambar Dania.. mesti comel budaknya. pandainya, kecik2 ikut style orang. bagusnya..

  2. Waalaikumusalam Sheila, nanti ambik dr pc, Dania memang cantik. Tu la dia observed, segan la pulak :)

  3. Kakak imagine how cute Dania with her scarf. Believe she must be talkative also:)

  4. hehehe pasti cute kan !

  5. Salam. Saya membalas kunjungan. Cutenya your children. Mesti Dania cute juga..

  6. balas kunjungan and komen too, anak-anak jika dah sayang memang akan ikut kita, cam idola gitu..

  7. aloh aloh soooo comel dania...;)

  8. Salam pagi rabu...cute anak nyer..

  9. sweet dania, how a simple act of kindness can cheer us up... why adults cant do that?

  10. Teringin nak tengok Dania BP....jangan lupa buh sini nanti yeh...
