

March 28, 2013

berteman / companion

English version below

Dulu jantung saya senang berdebar disebabkan gementar keterlaluan bila berseorangan. Ibu la yg beritahu bahawa bacaan di machine bp nya menunjukan pulse rate high. Jadi ibu kata kena relax kerana jantung berdebar cepat sng menjadi lemah masa akan datang nauzubilahiminzaligh.

Jadi saya selalu bertanya rakan sekerja sis2 atau jiran untuk menumpang mereka ke tempat keja. Solusi sy tumpangkan kawan yg lintas jln  dari stesen lrt ke tempat keja, terus sy cakap dgn dia sy akan lalu lg waktu yg sama esok. Saya tidak gementar lagi bila diteman rakan sekerja terutama di kawasan tempat letak kereta. Waktu lunch pun sy memastikan sy pergi beramai2 walaupun tak makan sekali. 

Lepas kerja untuk relax juga ialah dengan senaman rengangan dengan kesedaran (breathing awareness) pergerakkan bersama pernafasan. Contoh bila angkat tangan tarik nafas, bila bergerak turun tangan perlahan dgn lepas nafas perlahan.
Boleh cuba ni, Tutup mulut, senyum tanpa nampak gigi dan nafas perlahan rasa sgt tenang, lebih2 lagi dengan posisi yg bahu  membuka ke belakang,tulang belakang berlawan dgn membongkok mmg sgt nyaman seperti foto dibawah. Dgn senaman ini bacaan di blood pressure machine menunjukkan saya seorang sportman/Athlete sekarang Alhamdulillah.

Tanya, tumpang, teman

With love,

Before this my heart beats fast i figure because i get nervous when i have to do things alone. I get solution by asking females colleague to give them a lift to work. So i found a friend crossing the road and abruptly i stop and make appoint the next day i pick her up. I become more relax as i hv her at the parking lot. For lunch time to the food court also i flock together in gruops though not on a same table.

After work i practice stretching and breathing awareness with movements. For instant when raise hands breathe in while lowering hands breathe out slowly.
You can try this: mouth closed, smile without showing teeth, breathe slowly.feeling at ease especially shoulder to the back , chest forward, spine in bridge position like photo below. With many kind position with slow breathing slower the heartbeats. Now the reading shows as if i am sportman/athlete. Alhamdulillah.

Posture, practice, perfect,
With love,


  1. Semasa bernafas, pejam mata, fokus bunyi pernafasan dgn penuh nikmat /while breathing, eyes closed, focus n listen to the breathing with enjoyment.

  2. saya pun pernah experience macam ni kak... BP high...tapi masa tu sebab nervous sangat... hu hu hu...

  3. saya pernah terutama berdepan dengan orang tak kenal..berdebar2 je rasa :)

  4. SA mmg selalu rasa mcm ni..just need to calm down...

  5. Ha'ah kan, patut senantiasa buat camni.. :)
