

July 10, 2012

Laman Senaman / Practice Place

Since I have to create a new page, the status that updated early this or last year had to transit here first,

Nurture us with love n iman / Bimbing diri dgn kasih sayang dan iman ♥ - Feb 2012

With headstand, the world looks different from the ground / Dgn headstand, dunia nampak berbeza dari bawah ♥
Our mind and body are our true assets, be kind and listen to them well. / Minda dan tubuh adalah asset penting kita, jagalah sebaiknya ♥
Lighten our mind by redha to Allah swt about expected things happened differently, past and losses. Be close to Him, make Doas for the betterment ♥
Practice Place/Laman Senaman Ringan bebanan fikiran dengan redha kepada Allah swt tentang impian tak kesampaian, apa yang sudah lepas dan kehilangan. Beribadat kepadaNya, berbanyak ber Doa untuk keberkatan, yang lebih baik penuh rahmat ♥
  • Deep inhale of betterment. Exhale by redha to Allah.

    Love our vehicles (body) Close our eyes, palms at slight below left shoulder blade, feel the heartbeats ♥ / Fokus fizikal, pejam mata, tapak tangan di tepi bahu, rasa dengan tenang dengupan jantung ♥

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