

December 20, 2011

Fashionista - Post Natal

We all love clothes. Even if we don't spend our hard earned salary on clothes, we still enjoy them. We enjoy them on others, and we enjoy them on ourselves. We like critiquing them, and generally discussing them. S either for myself or for others. Once we get going, though, the ideas start to dry up especially when the clothes don't suit our body or our age. I am really into fashion since schooling days. Now the image had changed with kids in hands, I looked more like a kangaroo with baby carrier hanged on my body. The main vehicle is our body that we need to take care of, especially after giving birth. Fortunately,  I got a present from my sister, the set of post natal to get the body in shape, I cherished it as it worked well. Its a steps by steps way to back in shape internally and externally. I followed what to take from the beginning til end. Soon I will be back to same progress again, some say after second birth onwards is not easy but I don't want to believe it hehe...let see how it works for the second round steps after steps post natal to get a normal body weight. InsyaAllah it will work on me again. 

The set makes from the natural herbs to consume, some spices to drink,  some paste to applyH on and also something torturing cloth to wear on, I don't mind's just for a short period of time. Must get in shape to start a new chapter of my life with kiddies. If some of you had tried but didn't see any different, please wait til your kids start walking, that's when you lose the baby fat by chasing them around :) The torturing device is the special girdle, better fasten it on all the time especially while eating, you get stuffed fast and push the plate aside :) This time around also I will try a set of new herbs from a friend's recommendation. Just looking forward to m looking forward to grabbing herbies. By the way the post natal provides herbs drinks to clean from inside and also herbs douche to clean inside from outside which can lead to pr- natal. So it is also a good info for those who intend to start a family or to add family member :))
Im blogging from my tap and its not easy to edit ;) will come back soon to re-publish. More info pls email me at


  1. BabYpose, Congratulations if I am reading this right. A little girl!!! You sound happy about it so I am happy for you. Wonder what big brother will think. I want to wish you and your family Happy Holidays, and the best life has to offer you and family.

  2. Wonderful thoughts and ideas, God willing will bring happiness as desired. Every action is a prayer.

  3. u guna set apa? any recommendation for me? i tatau lg nak guna apa... hopefully eviting goes well insyaAllah...

  4. so thoughtful of ur sister. ur kid looks so cute! :)

  5. buat kunjungan balas singgah sini dan saya dh follow awak

  6. Hi babY-pose,
    That's great! Look like you have been back to your pre-pregnancy shape.

    Thanks for dropping by my blog. :)

  7. Thanks lot for this useful article, nice post
