

February 28, 2011

Everything I do, I do it for you.

Last night, I was at a mall and heard the song "Everything I do, I do it for you" by Bryan Adams. It reminds me of my conversation with my mom. She told me that the song is her favorite, I went how come?

20 years ago, she went to the commercial bank to get money which was very huge amount. The bank told her, she was not allowed to take the money as the Central bank needs her to declare it where the money came from and why etc.
After few days, the money was transferred to her account. The bank gave her the transferred slip together with the note written "Gift from son" which the bank made it easier for her. And the real message on the note that came with the slip was written "Everything I do, I do it for you" from your son, somewhere in Tokyo.

That was the best love story between mom and son I ever heard.


  1. Beautiful love story, it brought tears to my eyes. Twenty years ago, how time flies.

    May Allah bless the good son.

  2. A wonderful love story that has lasted all these years,


  3. What a lovely story. It is so good to hear from you again.. I am very new to face book but it sounds fun to be friends.

  4. Hi..thz for coming by my blog..
    COngratz on ur baby girl too..
    It is indeed beautiful to have a princess..

  5. That is a very beautiful story. It warms my heart. I remember when that song came out in 1994. i was a high school Senior. That seems like a million years ago, doesn't it? ; )

  6. Aslmkm.
    A touching story!
    May the story lines be repeated over and over again. They are good 4 d heart.

  7. Beautiful story...and a good son indeed. He will definitely be rewarded for his deeds here and thereafter. May all sons be as thoughtful as him..."there's no love like your love and no other could give more love..."

  8. A great story to remember. Wonderful, loving act.

  9. Hi BabyPose. this is one the most heartwarming stories I've read. Really fantastic of your brother.
    The kind of son every mother hopes to have.
    Have a nice day.

  10. simple but touching. it gives me watery eyes!

    i love my mom!

  11. Beautiful story.

    Sending you love.

  12. A wonderful story, most enjoyable to read.

    Thanks forr your comment, your mother said a lovely qoute,

  13. That is a great story about your mom.

  14. ho sweet.. this is just wonderful.. :)
