

October 28, 2009

Sundays in My City

Sundays are just good for me to have breakfast at the table. As other days would be infront of the computer :) btw Saturdays are as good.New discovery on Sundays market. It's been sometimes ago I saw baby shark at Redang. It was swimming with me. It's too late to rescue this one.

Back to balance on Sundays is amiss, I still continue some light poses for bigger tummy :)

Nice Sundays having lasagna at The Coffee Beans.

Sundays spa at home will just do for two.

Sundays out in the wood was just perfect.

Sundays stretch :) this is what I do and wanna do, always.
Sundays walk by the ocean.


  1. The picture on the bridge is beautiful.

  2. Weekend is to do things that pamper us.. relax and release...

    I would love to go do kickboxing next time. To release work stress. Would be fun. Hard your employer? Kick it all out! :P.

  3. Wow. What a great Sunday. That bridge might kill me off just looking... :)

  4. Fairul FadzillahOctober 29, 2009

    on sundays, i go for hiking :)

  5. Finally a new post out of you and I love it. The pictures of you are great. All are except the baby shark is not to appealing. So good to read what you are up to.

  6. regard
    know bro
    I just joined this blogg
    help in teach ya bro
    hopefully come back to
    My blogger

  7. I like the way you relax during the weekend...;)
    I'm sure I'll be able to read of more GREAT HAPPENINGS from here!!

  8. Loved your Sunday. the pics are great as is the writing. well done.


  9. Nice Sundays. I like the walk in the woods and the walk by the ocean.

  10. Hi my sweet babYpose, I want to get comments answered. You are going to get your baby and you will be a good mommy. What month is it supposed to be born? I want be around when it makes its way into your life. I want to know how big at birth, its name and I know you will be a proud mom. My birthday is Nov. 16 and I will be 80. I am feeling better today.

  11. What a lovely Sunday. I love the picture on the bridge!

  12. You sure do love your sundays, except the shark photo though.

  13. baby-pose :Although sharks are dangerous, I still couldn't understand why people want to eat them.

  14. The lasagna looks so yummy, especially at this wee hour. :)

    Yup, I love Sunday too. That's our family day.

    Have a wonderful weekend!
