

July 29, 2009

JigSaw Puzzles of Life

I gladly found a joy piece of excitement to assemble in my mind that my brother in a photo doing headstand-pose. He did it while he was in our neighbouring country recently. He was in casual wear touring and was not in fitness gear to prepare the headstand-pose. He knew better that he supposed to do BabY-pose right after Headstand-pose to overcome the fear combined relaxation the nerves back to normal. Some said to stand on the head is unnatural but head is down is so much natural as an embrio in feotus during eight months cycle.

As I'm enjoying the joy, suddenly I lost the unexpected piece of news, it was about my former fitness exercise student had passed away for good. She had enthusiasm to get fit for living and she had gone suddenly at the age almost 50. It was great to teach her and she came early before I was ready. It really saddenend me after receiving a call from my mother to aknowledge a loss of a friend to mother and a neighbour who gave friendly gesture to the neighbouring area. She will be in my thoughts and prayers always.

Teaching synchronicity of breathing and body movement exercise was enjoyable turned sour after learnt about my student. I used to instruct physical exercise by the swimming pool and that too I wondered the owner of the pool liked it or not that I turned her pool garden to a studio one time. The owner came to join though most of the time didn't show up in most of the class and yet was around to observe the class which I didn't mind. I'm recalling at this moment how it started to teach fitness exercise and die healthy, that's not all my intention.

I'm flashing back, way in the beginning before the loss pieces of puzzle had lost that was passion brought instructing the non-English speaking westerners and my edited speech turned up as said here...

Hi everybody!

I am Babypose and it will be my pleasure to conduct this first physical exercise session with you.

Before we start, let me quickly brief you about a few things that might be of general interest:

As far as it goes for clothing: There is no specific dress code, but the general rule is to wear something that does not restrict you even in extreme movements. For the ladies: You might want to cage your breasts a bit as gravity reverses during upside down positions.

The exercise is done barefooted, so be aware of the fact that your toes and nails will be visible.

When it comes to personal exercise equipment I suggest to invest at first in your own fitness mat. Other than that please bring a towel to the classes, which will be used to assist in some postures.

I also want to issue a few cautions, as there are some conditions where this physical movements can have unwanted consequences. Please consult with your doctor if you suffer or suffered from cardio vascular conditions including high blood pressure, heart attack and stroke, history of joint problems, serious neck and back problems, glaucoma and hernias.

A tip for the ladies again: You can practice the exercise during your menstruation, but I suggest to avoid inverted positions.

Are there any questions? No? Ok, then I think we should start. So are you ready?

Good! Our goal for today is easy. Calming the mind to start with, some common postures and relaxation to end with. I will demonstrate to you how things are being done, so you can watch me, thereafter I will instruct you step by step. I might need to assist individually and physical contact may be required please let me know if you feel uneasy about this.

Lets go straight to calm down to get inner silence and some distance from the hectic outside.

Sit on your seat bone……………legs crossed to easy pose or lotus pose, hands on knees, shoulders relaxed, spine and neck straight, head slightly bend forward, eyes closed, breathe through the nose, tongue on upper gummen, jaws slightly closed, focus on your breathing, slow deep breathing….

Life is too short for us to see, it is enough lenght who had passed away to rest in peace. Al-fatihah


  1. Wow (again), that was such an amazing pose to do on the streets of Jakarta! Or was is Bandung??

    I do miss your class and don't feel tip-top now that I lounge a lot. Drive and lounge, lounge and drive.

    Life is not short or long, life is today.

  2. hmm.
    sometimes we can't tell who will die first.
    sometimes the young one.
    sometimes the old one.
    it's just unpredictable :)

    the most important thing is to cherish every single minute we have and never waste.


  3. Thank you Ocean Girl for being here. Photo was taken at boutigue hotel. I miss teaching you. Where have you lounged, lounging is nice, driving is okay. Life is today and forever. Twisting the word makes us alive. Thanks.

  4. Thanks for the session.. (toes and nails will be visible..LOL) Great post, keep in touch!

  5. How I wish I could attend your class! You sound like a very inspiring teacher. I love the photo of your brother doing the head stand on the street, what a great spontaneous gesture, I would love to have been there. Great post!

  6. I'm sorry to hear that... But, we can plan, but HE justify our faith...

  7. Hi BabYpose, glad to see that you stopped by. Like the photo of your brother posing, well maybe say it like it is, standing on his head. You are so right about a fetus being head down especially when it starts moving in position to come out of inside that nice warm place. By the way you would not want my feet in sight of your class. They are 79 years old and have been tortured by shoes that were to small due to poor parents plus a lot of wear and tare. UGLY is the word of my feet, plus many more flaws.

  8. 50 is very young to pass away. I am sorry for the loss and the shock you suffered because of it.

    It was so nice to hear from you. I hope you have a lovely day!

  9. Very sad to learn when people we know personally pass away. Too young to die at 50, but life is also a riddle when we don't always understand.

  10. maybe in 10000years I will be able to this pose

  11. I was sad when a women passed at work who was only 50. She was terribly out of shape and heavy. I felt bad like we should have helped her some how.

  12. wow... exercise class eh? nice one there... wish i'm one of those who attend... hehe

  13. Hi BabyPose, good for you giving this lessons.
    Nothing like keeping fit....
    You stay easy and have fun, Lee.

  14. Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog and following. You have beautiful blog here and I will really enjoy getting to know you.

    Nice pic of your brother doing a head-stand. :)

  15. Thanks for the instructions but this chic is not going to even attempt trying a head stand. Your post is full of life...and there are things I will still try! Like climbing to the top of a mountain or walk the Camino in Spain.

    Blessings Babypose

  16. hey thanks for dropping by the other day. just getting around to a return visit. nice head stand...enjoyed the read and exercise. hope you have a great tuesday!

  17. Hi Babypose,
    Nice post... After all in life itself what do we need... Peace of mind body and soul...
    I too used to do Sirasasan - Head stand in Yoga. Now lost touch... Hmmm. gotta re start...
    Thanks for dropping by my blog. Glad you liked my blog. Do drop in often. Would love your visits and comments and followups.
    Also, pls vote for my blog if u like it, at this link. It requires signing up with your mail id. Hope u'll vote for me. Thanks in advance.. :)
    My Travelogue

  18. BabYpose,I simply can not thank you enough for coming into my life. A young Person like you and a (let's face it ) old person like me, and you were so comforting when you came to my blog. You not only felt to me, that you were wise beyond your years, but just a genuine person.Please come and visit again.

  19. I have not seen you for a while and I miss you. I would be really happy to see you or should I say read your words.

  20. Hi babYpose,
    Thanks for visiting my blog.

    Wow, that's an amazing pose! I don't think I am able to do that.

    Read some of your posts and learn that you are a creative writer, love the way you express your thoughts. Keep up the good work!
