

July 19, 2008

Mama's BirthdaY

Happy birthday Mak. I know that your born day is not so important to you. But I just take today the 19th to wish you "the best of life is always be yours". Off course I got a tangible thing for you to proof how much it means of my wish:) I don't simply wish, I got you something, a Bonia handbag, its not much different, but its time for you to change the antique Braun Buffel bag that you are carrying now. Already busuk hehe...

I love you mak, I'm touched when I recieved sms from you which ends with Luv you Yang in every sms. I thank you for all your prayers. You are my sunshine, a best friend that never can be compared, an advisor-always came out with the best one, counsellor, consultant, a certified coach, trainer, a reader, a state dental matron pensioner, a mobile encyclopedia most of the most. I never heard you wish anything, you are contented with what you have. You have me and you have the best man on earth - Bapa.