
June 11, 2024

Fried Fungus | Kulat Goreng

Fried Fungus | Kulat Goreng

Bahasa version below | Bahasa di bawah

Short of time to break the fast. Hesitation plus eager to have it in the Mall. Went through without making bookings, all eateries were full.  Crowded ambience, full of people. 

                     Short Video


Immediately follow the back up plan, out from the Mall, parked infront of Mi Tarik Restaurant. 

Sat and made orders, strange an weird, didn't see vege menu, seek and searched saw fried fungus. 

Yes at this time, i already started eating greens more. Doubtful looking at fungus a lot like that to finish. 

Thank God, almost dissappeared. Tasty, with sesame oil and seeds, crunchy as seaweed auto taste healthy food consists collagen at sudden :) 

Happy greetings♥️

Kesuntukkan masa waktu berbuka, terhengeh nak berbuka di Mall. Redah juga tanpa tempahan, semua premis penuh, suasana juga sarat dengan orang.

Terus ikut rencana ke dua,keluar dari Mall, parkir di depan Restoran Mi Tarik.

Duduk dan buat pesanan, pelik dan ajaib tak nampak menu sayur, cari punya cari, ternampak kulat.

Ya masa ni saya dah mula makan lebih sayur. Risau pula kulat yang banyak gitu untuk dihabiskan.

Alhamdulillah hampir habis juga. Sedap, berminyak bijian, rangup  ala rumpair, auto  rasa makanan sihat bercollagen tiba² :)

Salam bahagia♥️

June 10, 2024

Dalgona Style Cream 3 ingredients | Krim Kek 3 bahan

Dalgona Style Cream Cake 3 3 ingredients | Kek Krim 3 bahan

Bahasa version below | Versi Bahasa di bawah

I tried to make a cake with Dalgona style frosting. I got pumpkin cake without sugar but sweetness is from dates fruits. Let's make cream. 

  As in video/ macam dalam video

We need 

    1.Coffeemate creamer 2 tbsp

    2.Sugar 2 tbsp

    3.Water 2 tbsp

Bahan yang diperlukan. 

1.Coffeemate creamer 2 sb

2.Gula 2 sb

3.Air.2 sb

Mix in the bowl with electric mixer. Mix til fluffy. Pour it on the cake. It'll stays creamy. 

That's it. Solution when you craved for cafe like cake :) 

Love you ♥️

Saya cuba buat kek beraising cara Dalgona. Saya ada kek labu tiada gula tapi manis buah kurma. Jom buat krim.

Campur dalam bekas dengan mixer elektrik. Campur sampai gebu. Tuang atas kek. Bertahan berkrim.

Itu jer. Solusi bila inginkan kek dari cafe :)

Sayang kamu ♥️

June 9, 2024

Spaghetti Avocado Ala Lasagna | Lapisan avocado dalam pasta

Assalamualaikum / Peace be upon you

Bahasa version below | Versi Bahasa di bawah

Glad to jot down food journal of what I ate or cooked here for my dear friends.  


Having spaghetti pasta leftover but without bolognese sauce. As for Olio Aglio, one of my kid didn't take spicy food yet. 

So I made two dish. First, lasagna with a can of minestrone, avocado, spaghetti and cheese. 


The bottom layer were fried eggplants, then minestrone sauce, top it with avocado slices, then sauce again with spaghetti strands followed with cheese. Baked it for 10 minutes, just for melting the cheese as in the video. 

As for the remaining of spaghetti pasta, I fried a non-spicy version of Olio Aglio as the second dish. 

It turned out delish and with the chopped capsicums, it had a slight of taste of pizza. This  lasagna avocado is yummy! Melt in your mouth as well as the grilled eggplants is 'heavenly' good. 

Hope friends could try with more proper ingredients. 

Happy greetings ❤️

Suka coret jurnal makanan tentang apa yang saya makan atau masak untuk sahabat² saya di sini.

Ada pasta spaghetti tapi kehabisan sos bolognese, manakala Olio Aglio pula anak seorang saya tu belum makan pedas. 

Jadi saya buat dua jenis hidangan. Pertama, lasagna pasta spaghetti, dengan kuah minestrone, avocado dan cheese macam dalam video. 

Lapisan bawah sekali letak terung yang di goreng, sapuan sos, atasnya letak avocado, sos ditaruh atas dengan spaghetti, lanjut dengan keju. Saya bakar 10 minit hanya untuk cairkan keju. 

Selebih spaghetti digoreng ala Olio Aglio yang tak pedas sebagai hidangan kedua. 

Hasilnya sedap dengan capsicum, atau cili benggala yang ada rasa pizza sikit². Manakala lasagna avocado, lazat berkrim lembut di mulut, juga terung tu bak hidangan dari langit.

Harap sahabat semua boleh cuba dengan bahan yang cukup lagi enak. 

Salam Bahagia ♥️

Nampak sipi spaghetti Olio, dalam video ada full.

June 8, 2024

Tumeric Fried Chicken | Peha Ayam goreng Kunyit

Assalamualaikum /Peace be upon you

Bahasa version below | Versi Bahasa di bawah

It's almost noon, thought of buying lunch, or home cooking.


Most importantly, cook rice first. From there, I went to the fridge, checked and found out stocks like, anchovies and eggs can be easily served. 

I've got three chicken drumsticks total, but will fast fry or grill only one piece on the frying pan. 

I also reheated an overnight gravy; The fried chicken is ready to be served. 

I cut cucumber ala chicken rice cuisine, only without soup. On the sides are apple slices as they are available in our stock. 

A chicken drumstick for 4 paxs, simply made less protein day :)

Happiness and success to you ❤️

Tengahari hampir tiba, fikir nak beli bungkus ke atau masak sendiri.

Paling penting, masak nasi dulu. Dari situ, pergi ke peti sejuk, periksa dan lihat stok apa ada..ikan bilis, telur dah boleh saji.

Ada tiga ketul peha ayam, saya  goreng atas pan, satu ketul jer.

Perhangat kuah semalam. Goreng garam kunyit peha siap, potong timun ala nasi ayam, cuma tiada sup.  Sampingan nya hirisan epal sebab dah ada stok. Alhamdulillah.

Sepeha untuk 4 orang, Saja buat hari kurang protin pula :)

Salam bahagia dan sukses buat semua ♥️

June 7, 2024

Nasi Lemak di Kampung Bharu | Coconut Rice at Kampung Bharu

Assalamualaikum / Peace be upon you

Bahasa version below | Versi Bahasa di bawah

At dawn we headed KL to pick up relative. Since he's not ready, we decided to have breakfast first.


Parked the car at the shop's compound and we sat at the table.

Ordered two packs of coconut rice and two cups of coffee.

The rice tasted normal, still good as we were hungry. The chilli paste was tasty yet slightly sweet the way I like it. 

Not sure what's the name of the shop. But it's behind the University Kuala Lumpur building. 

Have a lovely day❤️


Di hening pagi, kami menghala ke KL menjemput saudara. Sebab dia belum siap lagi, kami terus cari makanan untuk sarapan. 

Letak kereta di parkir, dihadapan kedai dan duduk di meja. 

Pesan dua bungkus nasi lemak dan dua cawan kopi. 

Nasinya rasa biasa saja, masih membuka selera sebab kami lapar. Sambalnya enak, ada manis sikit macam yang saya suka. 

Tak pasti apa nama kedainya, tapi ia di belakang bangunan university Kuala Lumpur. 

Salam bahagia♥️

June 6, 2024

Open Sandwich | Sandwic Terbuka

Assalamualaikum / Peace be upon you. Bahasa version below / Versi bahasa di bawah

Gotta chance to be here, feel relax ever meeting up with my friends again. Meanwhile, I will share this simple food journal, only making Sandwich. 

I saw in Pinterest an open sandwich, which is also called open faced sandwich. Whoever that favour decor but has no medium to practise it, just take a bread as base and build the topping nicely. That's sandwich with one sliced bread all about.  

Thing you'll need:

    1. Bread

    2. Sardine

    3. Vege

    4. Sauce

There's apple pie shown, later we'll archive it here at a different time.

One chunk of sardine like that, looked as if there's more protein and can be seen obviously from a distance. If we mash it up, it'll not make a big impact. Taste will be the same only to munch with more effort :) 

Have a nice day ❤️

Berpeluang kembali lagi, tenang jumpa sahabat² di sini. Sesambil tu kongsi jurnal makanan ringkas, Sandwich je pun.

Lihat di Pinterest sandwich terbuka ni disebut 'open faced sandwich'. Orang yang suka dekor ni tetapi tiada ruang nak didekor, dekor roti sebagai dasarnya. Jadilah sandwich roti bawah saja.

Bahan2 nya:

1. Roti

2. Sardin

3. Sayuran 

4. Sos

Ada apple pie tu, nanti kita arkib kan di sini pada waktu lain.

Sardin seketul gitu, konon nakkan protin lebih dan nampak jelas dari jauh, jika di lenyek mungkin tak perasan. Rasa sama je, cuma usaha untuk mengunyah lebih :) 

Salam sejahtera ❤️


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