
May 8, 2023

Lemon Chicken| Fish Curry | Ramadan | Iftar 2023 | Study Corner Makeover

Ayam Lemon| Fish Curry | Iftar 2023 | Study Corner Makeover

Assalamualaikum / Peace be upon you

Malay version and short video below / Versi Bahasa dan video pendek di bawah

Lemon Chicken  and fish curry were the menu for break the fast

/Menu Ayam berlemon dan Kari Ikan buat berbuka

Room makeover for son ' si abang'  / Ubah suai bilik anak lelaki si abang

After comeback home (not sure from where), I decided to makeover abang's room, not to decor anyrhing but expand his study table. The main item is a small table actually hehe. From there I added a small book shelf at the side. And a blackboard for memo board at the front wall.  That's it. Simple right?

Then I moved to cook for iftar. Since adik doesn't eat curry, so I made pan fry chicken lemon, 

First, I steamed brocolli, then pan fried lemon chicken, arranged chicken on the broccolli and poured sauce on both of them. 

As for fish, I pan fried fish then cooked curry gravy and placed the fish on top, hehe..easy peasy. 

Eat with hot rice, everything turn up perfect. No other way coz feeding hungry tummy, mission completed :) 

Happy Monday❤️

Selepas balik dari mana tak pasti, saya terus nak ubah suai bilik abang. Sesudut je pun, meja belajarnya nak dibesarkan bukan nak dekor pun. Sebabnya meja tu meja kecil jadi saya letak rak buku di atas meja tetapi meja tu kedepan sikit. Di depan meja letak papan hitam buat papan memo. Jadi ada ruang buku di atas meja, selebihnya letak atas rak semasa menulis atau membaca. Ituje. 

Lanjutla saya ke dapur masak ayam masak lemon untuk buka puasa, goreng minyak sikit dalam pan, bancuh sos, taruh atas ayam yang telah disusun atas brokoli yang dikukus sebelumnya. 

Manakala ikan, sama juga tapi angkat, masak kuah kari letak ikan kat atas hehe..sebab nak nampak ikan tu sebiji-sebiji Hidang terus dengan belanga tu. Makan dengan nasi panas, langsai misi mengisi perut yang kosong. Alhamdulillah. 

Salam Isnin ❤️


  1. Tema hitam untuk rak buka. Nampak mewah.

  2. Dah lama U tak update blog kan?. Alhamdulillah telah kembali. Sy tumpang happy bila org cerita tentang deko utk anak2 sbb ianya tanda keceriaan sebuah keluarga.

  3. Both dishes look very flavourful, delicious, and perfect to break the fast. I usually break the fast with a big juicy steak :-)

  4. It is good that your child is comfortable in his place of study. Let him decorate it to his liking even if you, sometimes, do not like it very much.

  5. El pollo se ve muy sabroso. Gracias por las recetas. Te mando un beso.

  6. wahhhh nampak mcm menu sihatt👍👍👍

  7. hushhh nampak sungguh menyelerakan bila di perahkan lemon. Sihat sungguh macam ni

  8. walaupun simple tapi selesa utk study....nice, lemon chicken with brocolli..

  9. Thanks for your sharing...

  10. I felt so hungry seeing your chicken dish and salmon dish. Looks so delicious! 😋 I could eat both dishes without any rice. The fish is salmon, right?

  11. Will try the lemon chicken & broccoli...
    Selamat Hari Raya!

  12. The food looks tempting.
    A good arrangement of your son's room.

  13. The food looks tempting.
    A good arrangement of your son's room.

  14. Gostei da decoração do quarto das crianças!
    A comiga parece muito boa.

    Obrigada pela visita a minha página.

  15. memang bingung ya kak bila nak mendekor kamar anak lelaki, saya pun bingung mendekor kamar anak lelaki saya tuh, terlebih dia sudah 13th sekarang ini



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