

April 20, 2022

Pilaf rice (turned out differently)/ fruit juice | Nasi hujan panas tak jadi /air buah

Bahasa dan video pendek di bawah :)

English version and short video below :)

Middle East rice alike was our break the fast dinner | Nasi Timur Tengah, juadah berbuka 

The pilaf rice is ghee rice with drops of colors in so its called Sunny Rainy Rice hehe | Itulah nasi minyak yang ditabur setitik dua perwarna dipanggil nasi hujan panas

It happened that day we craved for briyani type of rice, as lacking of ingredients we attempted to make the famous among us pilaf rice with mixture of colors (existing baking ingredients hehe) 

The fate of the rice that evening turned red, red alert panicking of wonders of taste, how would it be.  

Luckily the taste was still good and the fragrance was appetizing. So we could eat in peace. 

Meanwhile I prepared celery juice mix with orange abit of apple, that was refreshing, if you could see I prepared also all the type of sauces to cook wantan mee for sahur our supper meal. 

So I know the cause of mistake on the color because of tiredness and think of too much to do at the last minutes. Ok next to prep proper one and manage it well hopefully :)) 

Happy Wednesday ❤️

Nak jadikan cerita rasa nak makan nasi minyak ala biryani, disebabkan tiada bahan, Coba masak nasi femes iaitu nasi hujan panas sebab bahan yang ada perwarna buat kek hehe (mood baking kembali) 

Ditakdir nasi yang dimasak petang tu jadi merah menyala, nino nino panik dengan memikirkan apa rasanya. 

Alhamdulilah rezeki rasanya sedap, wanginya pun menyelerakan. Bolela makan dengan tenang. 

Sambil tu saya sediakan air seleri campur buah oren epal sikit, menyegarkan betul. Yang sebenar jika nampak ada juga bahan kicap bagai untuk masak mi wantan buat sahur. 

Jadi dah agakla,  tak jadi ni sebab keletihan fikir, nak buat semua masa yang singkat hujung-hujung waktu berbuka. Lain kali buat awal dan uruskan dengan seelok mungkin, harap-harap la :)) 

Salam Rabu ❤️


  1. Takpe janji sedapp
    kaler abai tepi he he

  2. walau rupa x seberapa yg penting sedaappppp

  3. Nampak menarik juga tu warnanya, macam beras pulut hitam :p
    Apapun, janji sedap... itu yg penting :)

  4. Se ve muy rico. Te mando un beso.

  5. Good evening, I enjoy reading about your food dishes-sound delicious Happy mid week hugs

  6. The red coloured rice looks very attractive. A little bit of red colour should be ok and wouldn't affect the taste of the rice with herbs and spices in it. I see you pouring out the drinks into glasses, look so refreshing that I feel so thirsty and want to drink it so much. Yummy πŸ˜‹

  7. The pinky pilaf rice looks so inviting and moreish!

  8. I am not sure if my comment went though..I just want to say that I love your pinky pilaf rice as it looks so inviting and moreish.

  9. janji boleh makan je...rupa takpe...masuk mulut kunyah

  10. assalammualaikum. menarik! wrne blkng citer yg penting sodap ye dakk..hehe.

  11. Boleh bayangkan keaadan terkejut warna nasi tu. haha. Yang penting rasa sedap itu yang kita mahu

  12. Such a good cook!! Bisous
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  13. kadang-kadang bukan tak nak plan, tapi idea dan keinginan tu yang tiba-tiba datang

  14. mau terkejut ye tgk color nasi tu hehe..tkpe janji bole mkn

  15. It looks very good and the juice from celery and fruit ... great.

  16. Yang penting rasanya sedap Kan. Mama suka juga buat nasi hujan panas

  17. Asalkan rasa dia sedap okay je kak. Kalau tanya saya, saya suka je warna tu sebab pink putih macam tu kan. Bagi peminat pink dah tentulah suka. hehehe..Pernah nampak orang buat air seleri dan epal hijau. Yang versi campur oren belum jumpa lagi. Mesti rasa masam tu lebih sikit.

  18. ah sudah! terus berbunyi perut ni hehehe
