

March 18, 2022

Mixed Vege Fritters | Cucur Sayur Campur

Bahasa dan Video pendek di bawah :)

English and short video below :)

Bought mixed vege and kept it for the rainy day | Beli sayur campur dan simpan untuk hari yang tiada sayur segar

Also thought it would more appetizing in fried rice | Juga rasa ia akan menyelerakan dalam nasi goreng

Yes the frozen mixed vege has been a long time in fridge, rarely I made fried rice as one of the household doesn't take fried rice, other do but opt out the vege. 

Since I tried to have breakfast with vege or something simple. I make vege fritters. Actually, I had onion fritters, prawn friitters or banana fritters not vege only fritters. 

First time making it and first time baking them in the oven. They were good and crisp. I ate some and kept in the freezer for another hungry day. 

There will be the time I prepared frozen ones and set for breakfast  to be up here again.  

Happy Friday ❤️

Dah lama sayur campur beku ini berada dalam peti ais, jarang saya goreng nasi sebab seorang penghuni rumah tak suka nasi goreng dan seorang lagi pula makan tetapi tanpa sayur didalamnya. 

Sejak cuba makan sayur dan makanan ringkas di hening hari. Saya buat cucur sayur campur. Sebenarnya yang pernah makan ialah Cucur bawang, Cucur udang atau cucur kodok, belum pernah lagi cucur sayur ni. 

Pertama kali saya membuatnya dan terulung kali juga dibakar dalam oven. Sedap dan rangup. Makan beberapa biji dan simpan dalam peti ais buat simpanan masa lapar lagi hehe. 

Akan ada hari saya sediakan cucur sayur beku ni dan hidang serta bersiaran di sini lagi. 

Salam Jumaat ❤️


  1. They look very appetizing and absolutely delicious!

  2. Rare sungguh ni kak cucur di bakar dalam oven. Hasilnya nampak macam biskut sayur pulak. Menarik jugak cuba kaedah baru :)

  3. Get your family used to eating vegetables as they have many vitamins and are necessary for good health. Try to mix them with other foods that they like: rice, potatoes, or simply mix them with eggs, enough flour to make a dough that can be baked or fried.
    For example: 2 Cups of grated carrot or the vegetable of your choice
    1 egg
    2 tablespoons of flour
    2 tbsp. grated cheese
    salt oregano mustard

  4. beautiful video your fritters look delicious-I would love those-great to have some in the freezer for later too

  5. Se ven muy ricos esos buñuelos. Te mando un beso.

  6. Parece muito delicioso!
    Pra hoje o dia certo, está chuvendo aqui.

    Que tenhas um bom fim de semana .

    Te mando beijo.

  7. Your vegetables fritters look delicious! I would love to eat them.

  8. Cucur sayur bakar
    wahhh bagus kan tak.berminyak.menunya

  9. Sakit mata kalau bubuh dalam nasi goreng tapi lepas tu kena buang. Hihi

  10. ammi selalu mmg beli mix vege utk rainy days bila nak masak sesuatu or the simplest i can think of is nasi goreng. My kids love nasi goreng dan dah terbiasa bila ammi letak mix vege and they'll eat without complain

  11. memang jrg dgr cucur sayur cmpur gitu. bakar dlm oven pulak tu.hehe
    tp kalau kata sedap, rngup tu mcm nak cuba buat pulak.. ^,^

  12. Rajin juga guna ketuhar hingga jemput-jemput pun buat dalam itu.
    Susah kalau ada orang cerewet tidak makan sayur.

  13. sedap ni kalau dpt mkn panas2

  14. Good idea ni mixed vege untuk cucur :)
