

January 7, 2022

Mixed Rice from Pelita Restaurant and watched BBC's Lifestyle Channel | Nasi Kandar Pelita dan tonton Siaran Lifestyle dari BBC

Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah :) 

English version and one minut video below :) 

Fried chicken, curry, vege n rice

Being in KL with dad, he wanted Southern Asian Rice | berada di Kl, bapa mahukan Nasi Kandar

Dad wanted to have it at the restaurant, sadly gone are the days on outing like that | Bapa mahukan makan di restoran tapi sedih hari kegemilangan keluar lepak sudah jarang buat kami. 

I ordered for delivery, we then waited... And had it for lunch. We ate quietly and dad told that he accepted what had happened due to pandemic. 

Later on after lunch, we watched BBC's Lifestyle with the projector screen as here don't have TV.

Since my parents stayed overnight in KL, I headed back home in the heavy rain. This is when the doa from verses that ocean split of Prophet Moses crossed my mind, to make the road cleared from torrential rainwater and heavy traffic. Verse 26 :63.


It was December Rain. 

Happy Friday❤️

Saya buat pesanan untuk penghantaran makanan, kami pun menunggu... Dan makan tengahari dengan nasi kandar Pelita. Dan bapa cakap dia terima takdir macam ni akibat pandemik yang melanda dunia. 

Selepas makan, kami nonton siaran Lifestyle dari BBC dengan skrin projektor sebab disini takda TV. 

Oleh kerana parents bermalam di KL. Saya pun bergerak pulang ke rumah di dalam hujan. Masa nilah baru hendak ingat ayat-ayat Surah laut terbelah terutama ayat Nabi Musa AS untuk melancarkan perjalanan dalam air hujan lebat dan trafik padat dengan kenderaan. Surah 26:63. 

Hujan Disember ni. 

Salam Jumaat ❤️


  1. Bahaya tu lepak-lepak lepas makan nasi kandar. Takut tertidur. Hehe

  2. Lebat sungguh nampaknya hujan tu...

  3. salam jumaat
    Alhamdulillah seronok bila parents dtg umh. kan

  4. Syukur juga ada perkhidmatan penghantaraan semasa pandemik ni. Kadang cuaca hujan agak risau jugak nak order fikirkan keselamatan. Tapi kalau tak order, mereka pun tak ada duit lebih.

  5. Risau hujan lebat 2-3 hari.
    Ujian diterima dengan terbuka seperti bapa puan.

  6. Happy Friday and happy weekend!
