

January 18, 2022

Kentucky Fried Chicken | Ayam KFC

Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah :)

English version and a minute video below :)

Brought KFC to visit parents| | Berbekalkan KFC untuk menjenguk emak bapa

This time around I took along the whole entourage to visit. We planned to overnight for one or two nights

Upon arriving, we set up the 'pop up' tents again, we found it was pretty convenient to have our own 'caves' and not bothered to set up any bedsheet in any room. 

I encouraged kids to stay outdoors more than inside. First day arrived there, adik refused to swim in the pool. I swam with abang, she wanted to stay in and sneaked on the cats. Unfortunately, no one took any photo of me while floating in the pool. 

The second day, early in the morning adik was excited and warmed up to jump in the water. I took photos of them and filmed the kaffir lime (limau purut) that bore a lot of fruits. 

After tired of swimming, adik came out and had nasi bungkus. This year, we started eating back homecook meals. Early on, we were not sure where we're supposed to settle in; either the hustle bustle spot or scenic nature which was not so off grid. 

Love having KFC after a good time swimming in the pool. Any food would also tasted good after the recreational activities. 

Happy Tuesday ❤️

Untuk kali ini saya bawa seluruh angkatan untuk meluangkan masa mereka bersama mak tok dan tok wan. Rancangnya ialah untuk bermalam satu atau dua malam. 

Semasa sampai tu, kami terus naikkan khemah 'pop up', kami pun suka pula dan rasa mudah ada 'gua' kami sendiri. Tak payah nak pasang cadar di bilik. 

Saya galakkan anak-anak lebih berada di luar daripada duduk didalam rumah. Pada hari pertama, adik enggan masuk ke dalam kolam renang. Saya mandi terus dengan abang. Mungkin adik nak duduk didalam sebab nak memerhati kucing. Sedihnya tiada siapa ambil foto saya yang sedang terapung.

Pada hari kedua pula, awal pagi lagi adik dah teruja dan mesra alam untuk lompat dalam air. Saya ambil video mereka dan juga pokok limau purut yang banyak benar buahnya.

Selepas letih berenang adik naik keatas dan makan nasi bungkus. Tahun ni dah mula balik makan masakkan di rumah. Pada awalnya tak pasti lagi nak melabuh di dalam kesibukkan bandaraya atau di alam nyaman yang tak berapa hijau 'off-grid' sangat.

Suka makan KFC selepas berenang atau berendam. Rasanya semua makanan pun rasa sedap lepas beriadah kan. 

Salam Selasa❤️


  1. It's wonderful that you and your parents enjoyed the KFC and you all had a good time together!

  2. tampak aegar dan enjoy berenang dalam air kolam yang jernih...sudah itu makan KFC, ayam kesukaanku juga di sini kak karena rasanya spicy dan aku paling suka dengan kulitnya ^^

    have a nice day

  3. Lepas berendam memang perut auto lapar :D

  4. How lucky you are to own many kaffir limes!
    We know that the term curry can actually refer to countless different dishes, since it refers only to the use of spices. We are used to the “yellow” curry, based on turmeric, but there are also green curries that are particularly abundant in Thai cuisine. Kaffir lime is one of its basic ingredients that we can easily incorporate into our most everyday recipes.
    Saludos desde Argentina

  5. Gostei bastante!! :))
    Desenho a marca do teu corpo ausente

    Beijos, e votos de uma feliz terça-feira.

  6. It was beautiful with the parents. And KFC ... great.

  7. Betul. Lepas berenang memang terasa lapar. Seronok dapat makan sedap sedap

    Tengok kotak KFC, boleh auto terbayang bau dia. Hehe

  8. a mi tambien me gusta el Kfc, te mando un beso

  9. Enjoy berenang di air jernih.

  10. Haah cepat rasa lapar lepas mandi di kolam atau laut.

  11. Oh,amiga, muito boa sua Postagem!

    Tenha uma ótima quinta-feira


  12. lepas berenang memang selalu rasa lapar. menarik persekitaran rumah parents akak. dah macam mini staycation siap berkhemah

  13. lama tk mkn kfc...lps berenang mmg kena mkn sbb lapar hehe

  14. Seronoknya dapat balik kampung. Tenang dan mendamaikan kampung akak. Lagi best ada kolam renang. Pacak khemah boleeh feel bercuti sekali. Lepas mandi mesti rasa lapar, apa saja pun jadi sedap. Homecook is the best :)

  15. lepas letih makanan memang akan terasa sedapnya....

  16. Lama tak makan kfc. Ai lepas swim suka bihun goreng. Sedapnya.

  17. KFC is very popular here too. It is great that you spent time with your family in KFC.

  18. Muak dah makan ayam..almost every day lauk ayam dah sekarnag

  19. Seronoknya! Suka lihat suasana rumah parents, babYpose.
