

September 15, 2021

Oats with pear & habbatussauda and chit chat about love story

Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah :)

English version and one minute video :)

This morning I was thinking of  "Why married with this person'

Bangun pagi fikir akan soalan "kenapa kahwin dengan dia" 

Apapun hal isi perut mesti dilaksanakan dulu, 

Anyhow, eating matter must first get it done. 

Keluarkan epal, pear dan taburan Habbatussauda / Took out apple, pear and sprinkle of Nigella sativa

Almost forgot to eat cereal recently, Eating simple this morning,  oats with cut pear, apple and sprinkles of black seed. 

For quick fix, five spoons of oats in each bowl. While doing I was thinking whether should I talk about "fate of a marriage with this person and not with that person" . Is there a person would analyse this or would let it past?.

I continue cutting apple, pears, and reminding myself to sprinkle black seeds.

I wonder too about a statement "don't want commitment". Be friends.. Haaa this is all the effect from watching a movie of 500 days of Summer. (Summer is the girl's name). 

I overslept but dear hubby watched it till finished and answered my questions about it. 

The story of a couple get along very well for 500 days but ending up marrying someone else. Sounds familliar right, the awkward part is, no one ever asked why they didnt make it., its fate (jodoh) and accepted it (redha). So in the movie the girl answered why she married her husband. The ex-boyfriend agreed with her. 

Hope you have an amazing day. ❤️

Hampir terlupa nak makan oats sejak dua menjak ni. Persediaan ringkas pagi ni, makan oats dengan potong buah pear, epal dan taburan habbastussauda. 

Ringkas saja untuk penyediaan dua mangkuk, letak 5 sudu setiap satu mangkuk. Semasa sedang membancuh oats tu, patutkah bangkitkan isu, jodoh dan takdir perkahwinan ini. Ada ke orang buat analisa tentang perhubungan yang berakhir dijinjang pelamin dan sebaliknya.  Atau biar yang lepas dan lalui hidup seperti biasa.

Saya sambung potong epal, pear dan mengingatkan diri, nak letak habbatussauda. 

Hairan juga tentang "tak mahu komitmen, berkawan dulu... Haaa semua ni effek dari menonton filem '500 hari bersama Summer', Summer itu ialah nama seorang wanita.

Saya terlena semasa menonton filem ini, dear hubby la yang tonton hingga habis dan beliau lah yang menjawab soalan saya. 

Filem keluaran 20th Century Fox itu mengisahkan sepasang kekasih yang begitu akrab selama 500 hari tapi berakhir dengan perpisahan dan berkahwin dengan orang lain. Biasakan? Tetapi yang lainnya tidak siapa yang bertanya "kenapa tidak berkahwin dengan saya". Bagi kita mempercayai jodoh dan takdir diitangan Allah swt dan redha, malas tanya-tanya, yang penting nak teruskan matlamat. Lagi bagi kita Doa boleh mengubah Qada dan Qadar. Tetapi dalam filem ini, teman wanita beri jawaban kenapa dia berkahwin dengan suaminya yang baru kenal. Dan, bekas teman lelakinya bersetuju dengan jawabannya itu.

Harap kita melalui hari dengan penuh keindahan. ❤️


  1. That's an entertaining love story. My husband would love pear and oats for his breakfast.

  2. oats makan dgn buah2an mmg sedap..

    500 hari = setahun lebih..cinta tak semestinya bersatu..haha..

  3. Your breakfast looks good. I would love it.

  4. Gosto muito das coisas que levam aveia!:)
    Beijo, e uma boa tarde

  5. 500 Days of Summer antara filem kegemaran saya. Tak taulah nak jawab soalan tu. Kalau ada subjek cinta, markah saya mungkin E atau F. Gagal sokmo. Haha

  6. Oat saya letak dalam kopi susu.
    Hehe bercinta bagai rak tapi kahwin dngan orang lain.

  7. I have watched this movie but I don't like it because I think the girl is playing that guy. She doesn't love him but just string him along to make use of him. Thanks for sharing about Habbatussauda. I don't know about it but will read up more about its benefits.

  8. We should only marry with the person we really love, because only with love will we be able to overcome difficulties of life.
    Your breakfast looks delicious and healthy.
    Take care and greetings from Portugal

  9. What a lovely breakfast! I like it,

  10. Betul becinta bertahun2 tak semesti nya he's the right one!!

    Bagus nya makan oat.. Kita ssh btul nak telan oat hehe

  11. Sedap makan oats dan buah pagi pagi.
    Jodoh rahsia Allah dan pastinya jodoh kita dapat tu adalah jodoh yang terbaik untuk kita.

  12. Ye.. Jodoh itu rahsia Allah. Dated few guys before I got married. Tp dah tertulis jodoh itu dgn siapa...

  13. I don't know this love story you're talking about. I like rather to watch sport like cycling races or football. I love your breakfast! sometimes I eat oats too, with berries very often :-)
