
September 21, 2021

Kilim Langkawi Geoforest Park

Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah :)

English version and one minute video below :) 

By the boat we explored | dengan  bot bermotor kami terokai

Eagles eager making a show | Helang bersungguh membuat persembahan

From the jetty I stepped wobbly into the motor boat for cruising. We cruised to a few stops, fish farm, bat cave, eagle feeding, I only found the video of eagle feeding, not sure where are the rest of the film footages. Fish feeding, mangrove sightseeing. 

I started with eagle feeding, it's a good practice to reminisce the past, make it clear back then of travelling to another place. It was a 400km journey from Kuala Lumpur to Langkawi. We took the road trip to the state of Kedah,  

We decided to take our aunty and uncle from Kedah to join us. I loved this, because I hoped that in the future, my nieces or nephews would do the same kind act to us too.  

By the way, in our trip there was an adventurer too, I call this adventurer the 'sea and land' adventurer :) I loved the way she travelled, very light, she asked me how we gonna swim later or snorkeling, she didn't bring any sea attire at all,  I told her I was going to wear the same clothes that on me that time. She said she would do the same. Feeling awkward, because I saw her attire that she was wearing that day was the traditional dress. So, I thought of lending her my pants that I brought just in case hehe... 

Okay we took longer time at the eagle feeding site, I was at awe and intrigued on how amazing feeding the eagle is, as I was also learning how to feed squirrels and birds back home. 

How the eagles tried to perform well is quite extraordinary to me. Animals are very smart when it comes to feeding. They will try to do a performance in exchange for food. Even I had filmed birds at home before, the bird was asking for food, when I filmed the bird, it flew towards me as I didn't put any food on that day yet. 

To summarize the entry, I strongly recommend to put inyour 'bucket list' for a visit to Kilim Geoforest Park in Langkawi as it is a spectacular place to get close to nature, connecting to the habitats from a safe distance and not disturbing the enviroment. Hope that you enjoy the video, if you can't play it, a few photos are also available as a window to Langkawi, the 'island of legends'. 

'Tacos Tuesday!' said abang❤️

Dari jeti saya terhoyong-hayang menapak masuk kedalam bot laju, pederas ke beberapa hentian jeti yang lain, ladang ternakan ikan, gua kelawar (seram pula lihat yang ni). Bagi makan burung helang, saya hanya terjumpa video masa beri makan burung helang saja.

Saya mula dulu cerita dengan beri makan burung helang, elok juga, ingat balik jalan-jalan di tempat orang ada adabnya. Jauh perjalanan 400km diantara Kuala Lumpur ke Pualau Langkawi.

Kami menaiki kereta ke negeri Kedah lalu singgah ambik makcik dan pakcik, bab ni saya suka bila ingat balik, mesti suka hati jika anak-anak buah kami, jemput kami bawa jalan-jalan pada masa depan kan.. Jadi dalam perjalanan kami bertambah warga-warga pengalaman hehe.. 

Oh ya, dalam pengembaraan kami kali ini ada seorang lagi pengembara juga, saya namakan beliau pengembara 'laut dan darat'. Saya suka caranya mengembara, minimal dalam bagasinya. Extremnya lebih kurang  macam pengembara misteri, tunggu di restauran 24 jam juga walau ada warga - warga pengalaman.  Tapi yang special beliau call suruh bangun tahajjud praktis di rumah sebelum ke tanah suci. Bulan puasa pun ambil hotel dekat dengan masjid, bayang dekat tanah suci.  Anak-anak pun turutlah. 

Ada sekali tu, dia bertanya, ada baju untuk snorkeling nanti, saya cakap saya pakai macam ni je, memang tak kisah basah, jadi dia cakap dia pun akan berbaju yang dipakainya saja. Alamak! dalam hati saya, bajunya tu baju tradisional, jadi saya pinjamkan seluar ala seluar trek kepadanya yang saya bawak spare hehe.. Itulah kita tak boleh judge, mereka ni adventurer professional tau tapi pakai baju tradisional hehe. 

Okay kami luangkan masa lama  di tempat burung helang, sayalah lebih teruja sebab saya baru belajar beri makan tupai, burung di rumah. 

Betapa indahnya burung helang membuat persembahan teringat saya pada burung merbah yang menuju ke lensa telefon saya meminta makanan apabila saya sengaja tak letak makanan lagi pada hari tu. Haiwan memang pandai dalam hal mencari makanan ni. Kadang kadang macam sengaja aje ia buat persembahan sikit, untuk diberi makan. 

Mengulaskan entri ini agar  itinerari ini mesti ada dalam senarai kita untuk melawat ke Kilim Geoforest Park di Langkawi kerana ia adalah  tempat yang menakjubkan untuk berhubung rapat dengan alam, dan mengenal habitat di dalamnya. Harap kalian suka dengan video kalau boleh tomtonla jika tidak ada juga berberapa gambar sebagai jendela ke Langkawi iaitu 'pulau lagenda'.

Bak kata abang 'Selasa makan Salsa!' ❤️


  1. ok noted masuk dalam itinerary. Kilim Geoforest ni saya tak pernah sampai walau dah banyak kali ke Langkawi

  2. Such a beautiful place! It's nice to spend time outdoor with the family these days.

  3. dah pernah pergi Kilim Geoforest tu best sesangat. Melihat keindahan alam serta burung helang yang mencari makan. Rasa macam dekat dengan alam

  4. Thanks for sharing about your trip to Langkawi. The eagle flying to the water to catch the fish is so magnificent! Thanks for the recommendation too. Will go there if can take a holiday. šŸ‘Œ

  5. Belum sampai ke Kilim Geo Park ni. One day Insha Allah

  6. Best jugak aktiviti di Kilim Geoforest Park Langkawi ni. Walaupun beberapa kali ke Langkawi tapi tak sampai sini lagi. Next timelah, belum habis explore Langkawi lagi. Sekarang pun dah banyak tempat tempat menarik yang baru.

  7. Gostei bastante da publicaĆ§Ć£o :))
    Sinto o outono em meu redor
    Beijo, e uma excelente tarde!:)

  8. Hehe selalu irang pergi Langkawi sebab beli-belah. Menarik kawasan Kilim. Tidak tahu bila pergi. Insya Allah.

  9. Kawasan kilim ni tak pernah jejak lg.. asyik ke langkawi utk shopping tu dh boring. Sekali sekala nk teroka benda lain



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