

July 28, 2021

Snack | Untuk tonton Olympic 2020

Bahasa dan video seminit dibawah:) English version and one minute video below:)

Kata adik tak sabar menunggu walau snek di tangan

Abang ada kelas, habis kelas naik skuter

The night of the opening ceremony of Olympic 2020 began. We asked adik to watch the mega sport event. She could learned about Geography from the event as the names of countries were called out and the athletes entered the stadium. She could also learn the faces and traditional dress worn by the athletes representing their countries in the parade.

Actually adik was a bit reluctant to watch as her brother was busy with night tution and she made excuse that it was a movie night. Since we are adamant to made her watch it, adik said that she need to have a snack, just like when we were watching movies. 

So, there goes adik with a packet of Cheese Ring from Double Decker (we couldn't get her the favorite Super Ring from Oriental Food due to the lockdown). BTW these type of snacks always comes with high sodium (salt) content, which let some of us to believe that they can be a remedy for sore throat (old wives tale! ). As for abang, he's not a fan of the snack. We would need to get him a different one. And so it goes.. 

May we are blessed with barakah. 

Malam pembukaan sukan Olimpik 2020 sudah tiba, dan kami berkeras supaya adik menontonnya, supaya adik boleh belajar Geografi dari nama nama negara yang dipanggil semasa perarakan atlit masuk ke stadium. Boleh kenali serba sedikit cara pemakaiaan, wajah penduduk negara-negara berkenaan.  Adik enggan tonton sebenarnya sebab abang tak dapat tonton kerana ada kelas malam tu. Adik cari alasan yang. malam jumaat adalah malam tonton movie. Dia cakap walaupun tonton sukan, nak juga ada snack macam tonton filem terpilih. Snack hanya boleh dijamah bila adanya activiti tonton filem. Duduk la adik  dengan sebungkus  snack Double Decker, Cheese Ring. Sedap cheese ringnya tak sama Cheese Ring yang pack warna biru tu apakah namanya oh Super Ring. Dari rasa dan teksturnya Double Decker  Cheese Ring lagi enak. Snek ni ada garam, kadang dapat melega tekak, tapi tak semestinya, tak boleh anggapnya sebagai petua terutama zaman sekarang. Hal remedi perlulah jumpa doctor. Abang tak makan snek ni pula, jadi terpaksa beli jenis berlainan.

Salam Rabu..moga diberkatinya selalu.. 


  1. Hehe sekarang leka tengok siaran Sukan Olimpik. Tengah tonton sambil lawat blog. Nasib baik siaran ikut waktu kita. Masa siaran di Rio tidak dapat tengok sangat.

  2. Memang seronok layan siaran Olimpik sambil ada sesuatu untuk dikunyah-kunyah :)

  3. Actually bila tengok sukan antarabangsa macam ni boleh belajar kenal bendera. Menarik tengok perbarisan atlet, jamu mata. Hihi
