

July 30, 2021

Nasi Lemak Pandan / Jamah dalam perjalanan

Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah :) 

English version and one minute video below :) 

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Separuh jalan sampai rumah, singgah kejap juga

Terpaksa singgah di pekan berdekatan, mengisi tenaga kejap. 

Trip for event needs. Here with some kind of event, the state capital is the place, for tradition stuff. Before, after or in-between, there's a break for tea or meal while items hunting. We had coconut pandan rice, peanuts, cucumber, boiled egg and chillie sauce with tamarind juice not vineger around it. We had this meal from a fairly large city, which was a rubber plantation before. This town is now recognise as a city of municipal but not sure, have to check it out the confirmation. I know further in was a palm oil plantation. The issue here is the food that we fed our tummy on that very day. The shop that we stopped by was a kind of kopitiam style yet with a fast food system, order and pay at the counter. We chose the seating place and the food were served to enjoy. 

Local famous meal, can be at morning or afternoon. Bismillah.💕

Love y'all

Perjalanan untuk keperluan majlis. Sinilah terdapat berbagai jenis bahan, fabrik kenduri atau perayaan. Bandar yang merupakan ibu negeri juga pusat kerajaan. Sambil mencari, pasti singgah rehat untuk minum teh atau makan2. Kedai makan berelemen kopitiam menjadi pilihan hari itu. Gaya pengambil order tulis di kertas dan keriau pesanan ke belakang agak pupus di sini. Aturan nasi lemak bungkus di depan hanya kosong tapi mengamit selera, tersila duduk la juga hehe.. Walau kedai kopi teh tarik konsepnya, tapi pesanan dan order di kaunter. suka hati nak duduk meja mana, makanan datang dihidang. terus makan hehe.. 

Kami duduk menikmati nasi lemak pandan yang   boleh di jadikan sarapan atau minum petang. Alhamdulillah💕

Sayang semua ❤️


  1. Bandar Shah Alam. Lama tidak pergi masjid yang ada dalam video. Nama pun lupa. Haha.
    Nampak cantik warna hijau nasi.

  2. Lama tak jejak Shah Alam. Dulu sempat jugaklah 3 tahun lebih duduk Shah Alam study kat UiTM & training. Biasa pergi PKNS je lah macam macam benda menarik shopping kat situ. Kedai makan pun sedap sedap. Sedap pulak nampak nasi lemak pandan tu. Semoga dipermudahkan segala urusan. Aaaminn...

  3. sempat g SA sblm pkp 3.0 aritu... rindunyaaa nk shopping kat sn����
