

July 21, 2021

Creamy egg of mother's recipe / Telur leleh resepi bonda

Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah :) English version and one minute video below:) 

Dalam video ada, Telur diproses, makan sekelip mata, membaca dengan adik, sempat Alhamdulillah

Got a chance to read with adik after making simple breakfast, that's the good thing of quick morning fix. 

As I remember my mom made creamy egg sandwich was so juicy. We did rotation of eating eggs (for health concious i think as mom worked in health industry). Every other week we got to eat mouth watering sandwich yet derailed hehe.. .  Somehow am missing my younger days that my mom would left letters to me on dining table before she left for work. 

Ok back to stirred egg or omelet/ scrambled (new age). I tried to make the kind of egg like my mom did but didnt ask her. I assume last time, perhaps she would cook with butter not at earlier age, so I really wanted to do it authentically, raw with oil. Alhamdulillah, I've made it, the past come to live.

Love and miss my mom, will see my parents soon. InshaAllah. Have a blessed day. 

Dapatlah baca2 bila persediaan sarapan mudah dan cepat. Itulah kelebihannya. 

Seingat-ingatnya, emak saya masak telur sangatlah sedap berjus, berkrim. Tak selalu makan telur, makan catu-catu jugak sebab emak kerja di pusat kesihatan tapi terbabas jugak hehe..

Teringatlah pula emak suka tulis surat dan letak di atas meja makan sebelum keluar pergi kerja.

Sekarang mama nak cuba buat seperti mak tok masak telur kacau lembut, telur hancur, atau telur dadar. Rasa masa tu mungkin emak saya guna mentega tetapi rasanya bukan masa pertama kali saya makan. Jadi mama bayangkan telur kacau lembut yang asli, mesti dengan minyak dan telur je tak da la susu bagai. Alhamdulillah menjadi, masa makan ja memori dulu kala kembali terasa. 

Sayang dan rindu ibubapaku, tak lama lagi dapat jumpa. InshaAllah.

Moga dirahmati selalu. 


  1. Pandai adik membaca. Sedap tengok sandwich telor ada salad. Masakan ibu kita memang the best, walaupun hanya telor.

  2. Memang suka telur cair di tengah.

  3. Pagi tadi sarapan telur juga... telur 1/2 masak bubuh kicap pedas lemak manis.
