

January 6, 2016

english learning / belajar english dgn pergerakkan

Pergerakkan dengan rentak muzik lebih menarik untuk kanak-kanak. (Click video di atas) Video ini sangat di minat oleh Faiq Fadya. Mereka akan nyanyi atau sebut perkataan yang perlu lakukan, contoh going kan kena berjalan atas jalan jadi dua beradik tu akan jalan seperti dalam gambar ni.

Kalau perkataan tu kena panjatkan iaitu climb up, mereka akan cuba la cari sesuatu untuk memanjat.
Kalau kena go through it melalui jalan itu. Mereka berjalan terus je, gambar di atas sekali tu, Faiq Fadya buat tangan ke atas tu kira go over it, kena pergi melangkah atasnya (dalam gambar bawah ).. adoi tak reti nak translate lebih kurang macam tu. 

Video dari you tube, gambar sendiri. Lirik dibawah dari

Hey everybody! We’re going on a bear hunt! Are you afraid?
(Kids: I’m not afraid! *shakes heads no*)
(stomps feet as in hiking)
We’re going on a bear hunt!
(Kids: We’re going on a bear hunt!)
Take pictures with my camera!
(Kids:Take pictures with my camera! *pretend to take pictures*)
Open up the door, squeak!
(Kids: Open up the door, squeak! *pretends to open door*)
Walk down the road
(Kids: Walk down the road *marches, pretending to be on a road)
Coming to a wheatfield!
(Kids: *still marching* Coming to a wheatfield!)
Can’t go under it.
(Kids: Can’t go under it *motions to doan under motion, sorta like a crawl*)
Can’t go over it.
(Kids: Can’t go over it *motions to climb over it*)
Hafta go through it!
(Kids: Hafta go through it! *makes vertical slicing motions with hands making a sha-sha sound while still marching*)
Got through the wheatfield.
(Kids: Got through the wheatfield*still marching*)
Coming to a bridge.
(Kids: Coming to a bridge*still marching*)
Can’t go under it.
(Kids: Can’t go under it *shaking heads no*)
Hafta walk over it!
(Kids: Hafta walk over it! *nods and starts to march more over the bridge, making a clicking noise with tongue*)
Got over the bridge.
(Kids: *marching again* Got over the bridge.)
Coming to a tree.
(Kids: Coming to a tree *marching*)
Can’t go under it.
(Kids: Can’t go under it. *marching*)
Guess we’ll hafta climb[1] it!
(Kids: Guess we’ll hafta climb it! *marching*)
Climb to the top!
(Kids: Climb to the top! *pretend to climb tree*)
Do you see a bear?
(Kids: Do you see a bear? *pretend to search by shielding eyes from light looking around*)
(Kids: *shaking heads no* No)
Let’s climb down.
(Kids: Let’s climb down. *pretend to climb down*)
Coming toa river.
(Kids: Coming to a river. *marching again*)
Can’t go under it.
(Kids: Can’t go under it *shaking heads no with marching*)
Can’t fly over it.
(Kids: Can’t fly over it *shaking heads no with marching*)
Let’s get in the boat!


  1. cucu ky pun lancar BI nya gara2 setiap hari menonton you tube baby tv..

  2. Belajar sambil bermain memang itulah yg membuat anak-anak rasa lebih seronok. Selain cergas minda juga cergas tubuh-badan.

  3. belajar sambil bermain, memang mudah untuk anak2 mengingat
