

June 19, 2014

lepas satu, satu tentang Faiq / after one another about Faiq

Bila saya menjemput Faiq awal sikit, saya dapat lihat Faiq sedang duduk dan memegang pensil, saya bersembunyi tepi dinding dengan harapan dia tunduk sekurang nampak dia menulis. Saya perhati kawan-kawannya khusyuk menulis. Tapi saya terpaksa berfikir kelebihan Faiq ni mahu juga duduk sambil pegang pensil, fokus duduk di kerusi dan mejanya. Duduk mengedap, Faiq ternampak saya, dia terus bagitau Teacher, mama ada sini. Teacher ambik buku dia, dia pun bangun, ambik beg dan botol air, siap kata bye friends lagi dengan cepatnya, sampai kat pintu kata bye lagi, aihh lega sangat ka nak balik...

Kat pintu Faiq cakap nak pee dengan poop, saya ni segan pulak nak masuk balik pegi ke toilet. Saya cakap dengan Faiq tahan dulu, macam tunggu papa untuk swimming, Faiq faham tentang jaga keselamatan "safety violation" sebab diajar kat TV, kena ada papa dulu baru boleh lintas jalan tu...tapi kadang dia belakun nak jugak terjun dalam pool imaginasi dia, sebab dalam TV tu ada budak degil, dia ikut yang tu pulak.

Bila sampai, dia terus ke toilet, saya bersyukur dia dapat tahan, sebab budak macam Faiq ni kalau nak ke toilet kena cepatkan, tak bolehla sampai 15 minit, kalau tidak saya kena buat dua kerja la...Tapi lepas selesai tu, tak mau basuh pulaa...dia minta kertas, dia kata Teacher bagi kertas..aik sejak bila pula guna kertas toilet ni, umah pun tak de cuma gantung ja buat perhiasan atau untuk mengeringkan.... ok dia nak kertas, saya terangkan lebih baik basuh dengan air, guna sabun matikan bakteria...dia pun ok sambil kata teacher guna kertas...Ni kali kedua dia nak kertas ni...

english version
When I fetched Faiq lilttle early, I saw Faiq was sitting down and holding pencil, I purposely hide behind the wall hopefully I saw he at least bend his head down and write. I noticed his friends focusing on writhing. But I had to think of the upside of Faiq as he at least sit still and hold pencil, focusing sitting down at the desk. While I was watching, he saw me, he straight tell teacher that his mom was there. Teacher took his book and he stood and took bag and bottle water, wave hands to frienda abruptly, at the door turned and said bye some more, aihhh like really a relief got to go back home..

At the door he said he wanted to pee and poop, I was thinking to do it at home, lazy to go in the school again. I told him to hold like patiently wait for papa to go for swimming as he just learn to be patient to wait for adult for crossing the road or swiming, but he even act to go in the imagination pool like stubborn kid.

When arrived he straight went to the bathroom, grateful he made it coz like him  need to attend to him when he told us that he wanted to go to toilet. But after he finished he wanted paper to clean it, since when we used paper to clean, we used water and soap to clean the germs,  then he follows while saying teacher used paper only.


  1. hehehehe.. bila baca citer nih terbayang-bayang comelnye Faiq dan tabahnye mama Faiq melayan keletah dia.. :)

  2. maknenye teacher faiq just lap pakai tisu? omg? senang keje teacher die.... ermm mujur faiq ckp, at least kite tau juga kan.... tak berape nak yakin kebersihan kalo just wipe pakai tisu jek...hope nanti faiq akan ckp gune air bile teacher nak cuci next time....

  3. Teacher Faiq tu nak jimat airlah sayang..
    Nampak kan budak cepat pick-up apa yg yg diajar.
    Kalau kertas yg disua utk istinjak memang kertaslah dia guna. Kita ajar air dan sabun itu juga yg dia guna... Besar sikit Faiq akan faham.

  4. mintak kertas?nasib ada ibu terangkan bagaimana jaga kebersihan..teacher dia chinese ke?

  5. hehehr...faiq memg smart boy je akal die

  6. bagus cara mama bagi penerangan.. :) faiq pun bijak. kanak2 cepat mengikut apa yg diajar. tapi bab cuci pakai kertass...err..teacher mmg cuci pakai kertas je ye? hihi :p

  7. Oh dear, teacher guna kertas ke faiq..
    Wah good boy faiq pandai tahan..
    Sophie still pkai diapers ke school. Risau sgt pdhal nk masuk 4 tahun ni.
    Potty training just at home sbb school teacher kata tak cukup tgn..
