

April 23, 2014

Bean bag / Decor

bean bag at grandparents/ bean bag kat umah maktokwan

Sejak kerusi depan tv ni span nya dah pecah, rasa nak berbalik duduk  di lantai. 
Dengan bean bag ni kena adjust ketinggian TV, ia ringan boleh simpan dalam bilik dan ruang Tv yang kosong bole buat aktiviti senaman. En hubby cakap  bean bag ni panas sebab dalam diisi dengan polistrin. Hmm

Since the chair infront of Tv is broken and the sponge comes out in pieces. Thought to go back to sit in the floor and put bean bag to lie or sit. At least its mobile can keep in a room. the empty space in the tv toom can be converted to exercise room. But mr hubby said bean bag can be hot as it is filled with polistrin.Hmm.

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