

January 27, 2014

"memastikan keperluan mencukupi, masih lagi ada yang perlu diperhatikan"

"I make sure his basic needs fulfilled in the morning and yet still something to figure in"

After he wakes up in the morning, I assume he wants milk or bath straight a way. Then, a quick dry and put on clothes. Make him sit and give him a slice of bread. Then I get ready and make him see me going then I said lets go.He prefers slippers or his normal shoes than his school shoes. I let him. Then I said to him to climb in his car seat. Buckle him. Give him choice to have milk, water or bread.On the way he would show me trucks, busses of tractors. Or else power line or playground.He also sings along Islamic musics "Bismillah Alhamdulillah".

Sometime it is easy for him to get down from the car to go in the school. Sometimes its hard and I wonder why and need to figure it out.

On his first few weeks in school


  1. kak what could i tell you that is he is very adorable!!! ^_^ hugs and kisses for him from aunty...

  2. comelnya si kecik ni..

    kadang2 anak anak ni ikut mood dia juga.. paling elok rajin berbual dgn dia tanya apa dia feel about going to dari situ dia bagitau la.. kenapa ada masa dia taknak pegi sekolah ke susah sikit..

  3. a good mother is a good observer...

  4. Assalamualaikum. comelnya anak! hensem macam orang Jepun je tengok. hehe semoga membesar dengan sihat dan jadi anak yang soleh ya (",)

  5. Ikut mood macam kita yang dewasa juga. Bezanya kita boleh kawal mood kita dan sembunyikan daripada orang lain.


  6. Moga dia jadi anak yang soleh :)

  7. Baby pun ada mood dear...its just like us!...sometime happy, sometime moody without 'sebab' hahahaha thats why we call baby blues kikiki...just temporary only...

  8. hai.. mmg comel anaknya...

  9. salam...
    dtang melawat.... ^_^

  10. Budak budak mmg banyak moodnya BP...itu normal...dah kira bagus dah Faiq tu nak gi sekolah hehe
