

March 22, 2013


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Melayu maju InshaaAllah (saya suka menyatakan yang positif sahaja  jadi betulkan Melayu sentiasa ingat pada Allah, InshaaAllah sebab ini adalah satu doa). Dan saya sambung Mulakan dengan Disney Junior Asia, bila channel disner junior asia disiarkan di Malaysia bermakna apa yang disiarkan biar ada Kebudayaan, perayaan orang Melayu/Islam, bagus sebab perayaan Kong Xi Fa Cai ada. Siaran begini mulanya pendedahkan kepada kanak-kanak yang meminati Disney Junior Asia. Tapi Disney karakter seperti Mickey Mouse, Agent Oso memang mudah diminati oleh kanak-kanak dan belajar kata "please mama" :). Untuk Disney Channel memang disiarkan Upin dan Ipin. Tapi bukan Disney Junior Asia untuk bayi2.
In my comments was simple, Malay is getting better.( I pratice saying the positive things only, so I corrected Malay always remember Allah) So I said, Start with Disney Junior Asia, when the channel is approved to air in Malaysia country, it takes responsiblity to make sure the add on of the culture, the festival of Malays/Islam as they have Kong si fa cai festival that is something to learn too. Kids loves Disney characters. even learned from them "please mama":). In Disney Chanel there is Upin and Ipin which is good yet it is not Disney Junior Asia for babies.
ethics, ettiquette, elected
with love,
Mickey starts holding pens :)
focused and wanted so much to do as watched as the charaters did :) 

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