

February 8, 2011

mY bodY is a wonderland

Says John Mayer "One mile to every inch of Your skin like porcelain One pair of candy lips and Your bubblegum tongue" tooot - #censored:)# My mind is over my body, my head to toe body interests me more than anything, it is about clothings, touching-up and mind wondering there's no way I can get bored with my body that God lends it to me. I travelled to places to see, but myself that I think make the places lovely. The view I look for the snap spot, 80% of me had blocked the scenery. Life is so cool when nothing is essential than your body self, to appreciate the essence of life, breathing and caring for your body. I mind to be kind to the vehicle's part I owe, so I sit with my hands to give my butt a rest :)

Butt is sitting on air comfortably

the photos were deleted for awhile, sit on lotus pose then lift up your butt with your hands

Start with flying side ways :)

in plank pose, raise one hand up, secure the with one feet.

Bend backward to counter our norm bend forward mostly.

There's no magic carpet ride nor arrogance. Ends with babY-pose.


  1. Wow. You can do that! I have tried but even the butt refused to leave the ground. Maybe like you said, I don't empower my body, I let the outside world affect my perception of power. Or it could be only some can do, while some just cannot!

  2. I really enjoyed your post, but for me to do it......impossible,


  3. Nice sharing...makes me appreciate and love my body to take of it more. You amazed me with that pose. It's impossible for me but i'm inspired!

  4. hehehe... how i wish my body is a wonderland too.. maybe baru boleh buat cam kak fair.. hahaha.. nih, my body is heavyland.. :P

  5. Yoga!!! - Missing my own old flexible body... I stopped a few years ago... Gotta resume!!!
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  6. How flexible and supple you are! Keep up with your regime. As for me, have to exercise - no pain, no gain!

  7. Great yoga pose!
    I don't think I will be able to do that!
