

November 12, 2010


I craved for travelling so much, that's why I love airports, Wright Brothers for highways...appreciate them so much too with green sceneries and the concretes jungle stops.

How I wish I could pack bags and off to places in overseas...I've never been to London...people around me said, just came back from London, she's not here, in London at the moment, London, London. I must find ways to make my way there. But for a while I want to go somewhere near, I just have to flip the websites of AirAsia, Malaysian Airlines or KLM or etc which are my favourite sites now :)


  1. I also love travelling, I am going to see my son in Spain soon also going to Nashville Tennessee next Feb. Quite a long from London, but am so looking forward to it. London is a wonderful place ......I don't live there but live only 2 hours away. If you get the chance do go.

    Have a lovely day.

  2. lamanya u tak update :)

    got baby already.. congrats :)

  3. Oh babypose that baby is adorable. You di8d not lose your figure at all. I liked to go on vacations and be home in a week or 2. Now, their will be no more vacations. Due to health problens for me and lack of money we are done. Nov 16th is my birthday and I will be 81. I miss you to, BabYlon. Please come back soon.

  4. Baby is grown! See you are catching up with big sis. Travel is fun and I'm sure you'll do more when your little one is older.

  5. Soon you'll get to where you wanna be...along the way you deserve tea break, have the fusion tea for fresh n joyous life
