

July 6, 2010

Dedicated to mY blog buddies with Love

I dedicate the slide show to all my dear bloggers buddies from the babY Tricks' List especially Lucy who wanted so much to see my little one , Keats The Sunshinegirl for giving the little one the first book, Ocean Girl for giving me the traditional device to be slim and lean, Rowe for the emails and messages from Ocean Girl, Yvonne for all her wishes. Thank you all, lots of love, babYpose.

Dear Keats, The new man loves the book and happy with the gifts, that's the best thing. Thanks again.


  1. Thank you adikku, babYpose. The video was lovely and I loved all the pictures :) Especially of course of my sweet sweet nephew. I missed him so. Dah besar ka anak buah Maklong, duk buat apa tu? Tengah minum susu? :)

  2. A wonderful video, what beautiful scenery, in fact everything there looked perfect.
    Thanks for showing.


  3. Dear babypose,

    The song and the pictures are simply lovely...put a smile on my face. Indeed, family and friends make life more beautiful. Thanks for sharing!

  4. AnonymousJuly 07, 2010

    Moving indeed ! May time and life continue to treat you all kind.

  5. You and the little one are gorgeous!

  6. Missed seeing you the last time but not this time with baby! Glad to know he loves his presents. Give him hugs from me. Lovely pics and song too.

  7. I thought I posted here but I did not see my name. You haver got the most beautiful little baby. I wish I was close enough to hold him. You are looking very good and pretty as ever. In fact you have a glow about you that comes with your first born. I would love to see a bigger picture of him. He is a beautiful baby boy!!!!

  8. Beautiful pictures! And what a beautiful baby :)

  9. thanks for visiting my blog. I see you are at a very happy time of your life, enjoy your little one, the time goes by sooo fast.

  10. what a fun slideshow. so happy and lovely.
    that looked like a toilet seat in the water off the ship...i know it was a life preserver:)

  11. Hi BabyPose, just dropped by say hello. Nice video.....well done too.
    Have fun and keep well, Lee.

  12. Assalamualaikum, semoga bahagia dan diberkati Allah sentiasa.

  13. I just came back for my baby boy fix. He is just to cute!!!!

  14. peek a boo, i love you kak fair!! hehe.. dan dan got one too.. bila kata peek-a-boo! dia gelak.. kekeke.. :)
