

June 1, 2010

mom with TelepathY

Telepathy is the transfer of information on thoughts or feelings between individuals by means other than the five senses. I do not know much about telepathy. Recently, I was watching discovery channel with my nephew about pyschic mind, telepathy crossed my mind. My nephew said telepathy is not invented.

I heard about telepathy from my mother during my teen years. She suggested me to do telepathy when I asked her for the key to unlock the land line telephone to make phone calls. The home phone or the land line phone was my toy besides TV or Mini player as l loved talking on the phone with friends to kill times. But the phone was locked to save on the bills and yet could receive incoming calls.

I needed the telephone so badly especially on school holidays. That was the time my mom would ask me to do Telepathy to make the friend whom I wanted to speak to would call me instead. She taught me how to do it and it did not work everytime. I told her that I would do reverse charge call but she didn't buy the trick. I tried to sit with eyes closed and opened trying to do telepathy :) That was then...

Now I am grateful that I open my eyes the netbook is beside me and the cell phone within my grab. These are my now favorite gadgets. Alhamdulillah.


  1. Very intesting post, must be useful to have telepathy.


  2. This is too funny.

    There was actually a lock for the dialer! You reminded me of something that I have forgotten. Those were the days.

  3. AnonymousJune 02, 2010

    Have to admit that I tend to believe in such a way to communicate. Please have you all a nice start into the new month.

    daily athens

  4. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I enjoyed reading this one. :)

  5. I have a daughter in law who thinks she sort of has that but my son just tells her to knock it off. I know she thinks she can see things before it happens. You would have been a powerful person if you had got those thoughts through with telepathy. Can you tell me the baby"s name? I hope soon you will feel comfortable posting a picture of him. I missed you terribly while you were busy having a baby.

  6. AnonymousJune 12, 2010

    I used to practice telepathy when I was a kid as I see it on TV, even those mind-over-matter stuffs. Never worked :-)

    I agree, my laptop and cellphone are practically the most important gadgets in my life now. And count the iPod, too.

  7. I don't think I could master that. I have a daughter in law who swears she is phsycic. She may be but all I get are inner feelings of doom, happiness, fright.

  8. Hi Babypose, interesting post. I too have tried, even at nights when quiet....nope, nothing happened.
    And you're right, now with latest techs, a finger tap on keyboard, 'send' is faster.
    I grew up when a radio needed 2 men to carry, no such word as 'television', let alone 'computers'.....

    And when the 1st traffic lights was installed in town, people would bring chairs, sit on the curb just to see the lights changing....and the mata2 had a tough time explaining to motorists what 'red, orang', and 'green' means....
    No telepathy too, ha ha.
    Have a nice day and keep a song in your heart, Lee.

  9. heyyyyy.. i saw kak lissa here.. are you her sister?? kalau yerrrr, just to let you know, this is sara, khairi's wife ( khairi is anak maksu 'ah' son ) hehehe.. thanks for dropping by, and please get that super cute costumes for your son, kay?? :))

  10. i'm telepathic. we all are. i can't do it at will. but like everyone, we've had experiences of knowing what someone was thinking or feeling, someone even on the other side of town or the other side of the ocean.

  11. hi! thanks for visiting. i´m sending you happy thoughts:)
