

August 18, 2009

Think Practical

I like to have some people that I can look up to with full admirations, because I find it contagious. My previous experience was to look at people who lives independently like some friends I have. I adore them, took them as my back up plan in life. At the moment I thought of that, I was slowly heading to where they are. Once I was in it, I didn't like it. It was not me to be independent, I like to be with people. I had the chance to live on my own in an empty house belonged to my parents but I didn't like it. Sure I tried to live for few days there then I came back to my parents'. I rather stayed with parents whether they like it or not. I love to be with a family and I prayed that I have a family of my own. That's how it worked for me. I have my own family by praying to have one.
I admired my sister's house that is very cosy and western's style. The nook where she has for breakfast that she loved it the most of the house. I loved it so much too as we are asian hardly to find a nook in a kitchen, I love lounging at her nook by the windows at the fountains where the koi fish swim and hide under the water plants. I was admiring and thinking one day I should have one nook like a western house has a bar with stools you know what I mean hehe, I have one now in my dry kitchen. Small one as in coffee shop and I love it. The plain nook gives me desire to cook while talking to the people sitting there make things colourful.

My car was stolen. I didn't have a car for sometimes, I was worried to have a new one because my brother would think that I am independent and he didn't have to worry to bring me for lounging with his friends. I wanted to follow him to spend the weekends because I know most of his friends. They always hangout in group, with me in was not a crowd at all, I didn't know he liked it or not as long I was out from the house :) Though I delayed to buy a car as the focus was having a boyfriend who fetches me with a nice car, the pressure of buying a car was there coz I was working in a department that the colleagues were fresh graduates. Every two or three months, one colleague bought a new car then another colleague who I hanged around with bought for her parents and she was getting married. Back in my mind, I had to buy a car though we were surrounded with cars that I can borrow. Now I have two cars, one is a dream car and I'm trying to let go the one that I bought by need. As I drove the need car, the dreamed car overtook me, I thought of having the dreamed car. I told my mom, it is possible right to have that one quote unquote... When you have a car, you are not just a car owner but a driver and now I have to dream that I am a passenger in my own car whenever I like it:) Only then I get to sit and enjoy the ride. I hope you observed that I mentioned a passenger in my own car. I just have to becareful of what I'm wishing for. Be specific as God will grant you definitely Godwill, with the help of my parents' prayers as well. My sister used to teach me how to pray, With tears should you tag ;)

My parents always had the idea to be served, I guess they were tired of serving though we had helper while we were little. They didn't like stranger as a helper in the house but they like to be served. Their lifestyle turned up different than others. They were always having meals outside in a nice or not nice restaurants. That's how they like it. And they deserved it. All in the states of mind, I guessed.

Mmm what else hehe...I'm digging out, what's happening is really happened. I guess now I'm back admiring people with a happy family who lives in a nice place so that I will be in it. Well I am in it just to think practically having it and feeling it. Or maybe imagine myself having a daughter as my best friend, cool ya :) Like my mom and my sister or mom with me. Or being a good writer with good grammars and good vocabs. Oh...Nice.


  1. Hey there BabYpose, do not rush things. You will be happy and content in what ever your life is and oine of these days it will just happen.

  2. Hi there, long time no see :)

    Real cute and nice and inviting corner you have in your home. I believe you are living your dream now. All praise is to God and God only.

  3. I like your positive spirit!

  4. positivism is the key!

  5. Thank you for stopping by. I was beginning to think you stopped blogging. You are a very pretty, happy person and the right one will come along.

  6. Good post and I agree once you start living on your own it isn't as much fun as we think it is. I like staying with my family too :)

  7. Haha. Thanks. & Please drop by more often. :D Have a nice day !

  8. Your life sounds full and very interesting to me. It seems like you have a great imagination, and think that what you wish for is what will make your life complete. You will see, one by one all your wishes will come true, I guarantee!!! And then you will be wishing you did not wish all that...hahaha...
    I like your new heading, is that you? How gorgeous you look!

  9. I was so happy to hear your cheery words today and I shall be back. I was awarded an award by Bhavesh Chatbar today and thought of you immediately. I need to pass it along to 10 worthy people and would like for you to be one of those. All you need to do is acknowledge who gave it to you and link back to the person who gave it to you which of course is Http:// You deserve this award in my mind because you have a great blog and you have taken the time to show me what a big heart you have. Please come and pick it up.

  10. Hi Greetings:)

    Your header photo has changed and you look fantastic with that lovely smile. I felt so happy to see you in that street scene. Gorgeous!

    You have a very smooth style of writing. Very cool, unhurried and I should say this is a gift which few people have in these days of stress and strain.

    I agree with you it is difficult to live alone. It will be like living in a prison. We need people to talk to , laugh with and share our joys and sorrows.

    I am sure all your wonderful dreams will come true and God will bless you with all happiness in you life.

    My hearty congratulations to you for the award from Lucy. You truly deserve it.

    Have a wonderful day:)

  11. Hi:)

    I came back to thank you for the lovely comments in my post.

    Best wishes:)

  12. You are one happy girl if that is you in the header. So pretty. You my girl are just delightful. I have no idea what time it is there but it is 7:35 in the evening here, on Thursday. Big hugs to you.

  13. I could not give that award to a nicer person. I love the way you speak, even though it is on paper You my girl are just like a breath of fresh air. You wear your feelings on your sleeve just as I have for nearly 80 years.

  14. wow... interesting entry...

    Sorry to hear bout your car...

    definitely, we admire people and things... but, after we got what we desire, we feel bore... Human always like this, including me... Try to be grateful to HIM, then, we will feel life better...

  15. chaiyok chaiyok....

    its test and challenge for u. Go on...

  16. Hi..I've followed you...thanks singgah blog I k

  17. haha.
    so now you agree woman tends to be materialistic now matter what? lol.

    make a list: necessity vs necessary
    ok? :P

    i like the nook anyhow :D

  18. I hope this will show up for you. We can not get to you by clicking any thing you have left for us. Celeste is looking on how to get in also. Come on out wherever you are.

  19. You are BACK!!!! I have been trying to come to your blog but it has been blocked. How are you doing? Miss you!

  20. You are back, my sweet girl. You are a mystery to me. So I will ask cause I am curious and you know you never have to answer. You look so young. Are you married ? Do you have a child? What makes you constantly be so happy? To me you are a wonder to communicate with. Nosey, curious, whatever, just remember you do not have to answer any of my questions.

  21. Lovely post! We have a breakfast nook in our house- it's the coziest place in the house.

  22. Thank you for stopping by and leaving a lovely comment. What a nice place you have here, and your love for your family is evident. You sound so full of life :)

  23. thx for sharing such a wonderful note...i become so inspire with the note...
