

July 26, 2009

Flintstones Time

Masa dulu-dulu, di galaksi yang jauh, 

"Long long time ago in the galaxy far far away, in the planet called earth, the villain ravana kidnapped the beautiful princess sita"... that was the latest unplugged movie or shadow puppet show that I watched recently. This is so complicated to tell story about it and my shoulders could go higher than my ears, I simply shrugged!

The wayang kulit or the shadow puppet show was popular during jurasic period when the electricity was not yet invented. And The Star newspaper had brought me to the theatre hall of the state university here to bring back the ancient entertainment to youngsters. Since it's been ages I was not in the cinema movie, whether didn't make time for it or it is just a married life derailed of the movie tracks. But going to the theatre at least took a break from the Alexander Graham Bell times .
The cloth screen represented the universe and the light from a bronze oil lamp, in front of the master puppeter cum storyteller threw magical flickering shadows onto it and took us away to a new anbient from the period of Thomas Alva Edison.

How hard to bring back the unplugged movie or the Flinststones time here which is hilarious, the Bill Gate time I still favoured the most. It has to be synchronized it in time, sit back, magical flickering just a click away. Modern world suits me well.
Don't get me wrong, I had scar that I can talk about. The internet was around but I didn't have the computer to get connected and had grabbed a magazine or a book, telephone line was cut, and been to the coffee shop to have face to face chat. If the scar bleeds again, or if its happened to be where I don't want to be, I viewed the situation like a child, like wanting things so much as I don't have to see the whole stairs, just take one step at a time. Desire leads you to the best of you, play whatever you want to play like a child leads you to a blogger, like two Wright brothers played flying or jump down to fly and became an airplane inventors. That's not bad :)

Wilbur Wright and his brother Orville had designed, built, and flown the world's first airplane. I'm proud of you and your mother too :)
Wright from the start, and we are right here to write...

because of you the world just an airport apart...:) Wright? Write :)


  1. You really write well, have such a quick and silver mind, it is a joy to read your entries. I have been reading several of them in the last hour. Thank you for coming to my blog, this way I had the pleasure of "discovering" yours.
    I still remember staying at friends'and being taken to a fantastic puppet theatre very much like what you described. It was in Rajasthan, between Aggra and Jaipur, cant remember exactly where, it was a rural area, cammel herds, it was fantastic. It was a memorable night, sitting by a fire outside, the sheet hanging and the people and their shadows and the sounds.

  2. Hi BabyYpose, vey interesting post.
    You sure very eloquent with your thoughts. Outstanding!
    Best regards, Lee.

  3. perhaps, you should invent something... huhu, nice story, the puppets show the alexander g. bell era... on how the first telephone has been invented... Nice entry, but, pity to you... Try solve it k, tada...

  4. Hello BabyYpose,
    I want to welcome you to my blog.And I added myself as a follower. You have a way of writing.Another one you might enjoy is waystation.I think his Picture is on my blogger buddies,if you click on it.I really get the ideal of thr wright and write so true.
    Have a great day

  5. oh my.
    i can't imagine to see the wayang kulit nowadays.
    it'd be bored to death! :D

    i rather pay more for the movie in cinema

  6. wow, what a great article you have here, very interesting!

  7. Hi Celesta Maia,
    Thank you for visiting and leaving nice comment that really make my day. I'm glad you enjoyed the culture of asian theatre. The art like theatre or puppet show only one with artist mind can appreciate that. Thank you.

  8. Hi Uncle Lee,
    Nice to see you here. Thank you for dropping by and appreciate my article. Its kind of different this time :) Thanks again.

  9. Hi Zamspotte,
    I'd like to invent something. When I stand on the mountain, doesn't mean I wanna jump down, I go up there becoz I want to fly :) No other way, jump down to fly is only way I guessed. Maybe run then fly, could be :)

  10. Hi John,
    Thank you for visiting and being in my blog always, so am I in your blog. I will check the waystation out soon. Appreciate your thot of it.

  11. Hi Faisal,
    I understand, but the art community wants the youth to get used to it before its extinct as kiddos todate fond of the real time show. See ya soon :)

  12. Hello Chubskulit,
    Maybe you've seen shadow show in your country. Thanks for dropping by and for the compliments.

  13. yeah i know.
    they want the culture to remain :)

    just that i don't like the storyline most of the time :P

  14. Thank you for the anniversary wishes. I love your posts and look forward to reading them. You and many others is what makes this world a better place. You just look so happy and that is a good thing!!!

  15. It's so lucky you ever been to puppet show.. hehe. I want to be there all my life but never get a chance to do so...

    ***In fact, there's so much things I want to do but never get the chance to do so.. hehehe...

  16. Hi Lucy,
    Thanks so much for being here with soothing words. You have a good one.

  17. Hi Mysterious Witch,

    It was just by chance. It's a bit funny. You'll get to make your way to do a lot of things by chance. Nice to see you here :)

  18. visiting, can't post a comment on ur new entry hehehe

  19. Thank you Rose's. Appreciate the alertness :)

  20. Wow, wow, no wonder my young one says you are a good blogger. He knows. Can't post comment on your latest SS2. Wonderful posts. I enjoy them all. They do bring home nice memories.
