

June 2, 2009

Couch Potato Time

I was a couch potato last night as I watched You've got mail and some others. You've got mail is a light comedy movie. One point of my life, when I've got mail could be the happiest moment, some say carried away or overboard even reminded to put our feet on the ground.
I love the movie, Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks. The shop girl's house is cosy especially her desk where the laptop is, nice comfy spot. A laptop and a nice desk like mine as in the picture mmmm as if we've got everything eg surfing, emailing, blogging :) It's not the desk, not the laptop but the "connect" to the world that makes our life a click away from others. Stay put but you are travelled away. Internet, is a need that I love, not forgetting airports that a port away to the world physically:), I like airports so much too, flying is the best way to travel especially with Malaysian Airlines. I miss those hot towels and welcomed drinks:) Yes madam, anything madam? Fish or chicken? Hmmm... Last sekali, the shop girl said I want it so much to be you, so badly... sort of. Hehe...


  1. Nice "pose", enjoy it as always. But those two! Are they sleepless in seatle or are they you've got mail? In the word(s) of the wise one - Fail. In the word(s) of another wise one - LOL.

    Enjoyed it, looking for more :)

  2. You are like a breath of fresh air. BabY-pose. You just breathed life into an old ladies desire to keep on blogging but after careful thought, I realized it was not my fault that the person who waS Offended really read a lot more in to what I said . She has a Beautiful blog she made the background and everything and at first I thought it was a little harder to get into and instead of giving me a chance to say I am sorry I just was not thinking. She got angry and took it to extremes.
