

March 20, 2014

relaxation with awareness / rehat dengan minda sedar

English version below
Sebelum ini saya akan mencari masa untuk dapatkan angin luar, terapi pasir, hanya untuk mendapatkan warna bumi. Faiq 5 bulan nampak selesa di tepi pantai beralaskan kain. Seperti kita tahu bersenam dan berehat sama penting.

Berehat dengan sedar bahawa anggota badan sedang berehat dengan aturan dibawah.
Baring di atas lantai atas pasir, tangan lurus, telapak menghala ke langit, kaki lurus, ibu kaki sedikit menghala ke arah keluar.

Dengan minda, merehatkan ibu jari kaki, tumit kaki rehatkan, pengelangan kaki rehat dan relaks, betih rehat, lutut rehat, peha rehat, bahagian pinggul rehat, rehatkan perut. Pinggang jugak sedang berehat, tulang belakang berehat, dada sedang berehat, rehat tengkok, bahu turut berehat, tangan sedang berehat, bahu juga berehat, kepala rehat, bunbun kepala rehat telingan rehat, rehat bibir, biar berat seluruh badan tenggelam sedikit dipermukaan bumi. Akhir sekali pejam mata rehat mata dan rehatkan dahi diantara kening. Scan seluruh badan berasa relaks. Bernafas perlahan, terus relaks dan tenang.

Rest and relax

English version
Before this I used to find time to feel out side air, able to get sand therapy, just because to have earth colors. In the photo is Faiq at 5 months old was comfortable in the beach with the cloth spread.

As we all know that the benefits of exercise as well as relaxation with awareness.
Relaxtion sequences can be followe as below.
Lie down, let the head face the sky, hands straight, palms face up as well as legs straight, toes point up.

With the mind, start with toes to relax, follow with ankle, heels are relaxed, both calves relaxed, knees to really relax. Relax the thighs, the hips and up to the yummy relax. Relax waist, lower spine relax, upper spine and chest relax, palms, hands relax, the elbow relax, shoulder blades relax. Relax the neck, the whole head, cheek, mouth relax, feel quiet in tje mind, relax the head crown. Let the weight of the body to sink in slightly in the earth. Close eyes and relax.Relax the forehead especially between the eye brows, scan the whole body relaxed and at peace.

Pokok Pink

Rasa ceria sangat bila drive ternampak pokok bunga pink ni, dah makin luruh bunganya. NikmatNya yang boleh mewarnai pandangan harian agar berlainan, tanpa bertukar haluan. Menakjubkan.

Ambil masa untuk menikmati.

Take time to realise and captured.

Feeling cheerful when driving, saw this pink tree, its falling though. Blessed the same drive way that i have to pass by but coloured it pink for me without I change the route to get better view. Amazing. Jazakallah.

Have a nice day.

4 bulan in baby carrier

English version below
Suka dengan baby carrier, rasa macam mudah, ni foto masa faiq 4 bulan, dia baru lepas boating. Dalam boat pun Alhamdulillah dia ok.
Faiq tido lena dalam carrier.

Miss her dearly and will call her later

Love the baby carrier, it is convinient. In the photo, Faiq was 4 months old. Just got down after boating. In the boat he was ok Alhamdulillah.
He slept tight in it.