

May 26, 2010

Maid-less in Manhattan

When this happens, I don a Cinderella maid attire (Apron) but wish Fairy Godmother to sweep me away to the living room to watch TV. That's the head of my tale...and it is a long tail to tell about the house chores that needs to do the same tasks over and over again on different day and yet it's uninteresting...

I put on apron on top of my nice clothings to do housework. I dress well in the house not because Prince is around, it is because it is easier to hop into the horse cart to finish the outside work like going to the "mamak" to get gravy sometimes. I fry well but too much work on the gravy. Take home is the trick to survive as a Cinderella.

Anyway, washing, wiping, keeping, cleaning house is great because you find treasures along the way...and to keep the treasures well is a real pleasure...that is my saYang...

May 24, 2010


Sayang means love in Malay language. I tried to use it before, it didn't come easy to me. Saying I love you was not hard, much easier saying love you too. I could replace the word sayang to the word "baby or "dear". Until you come into my life, sayang comes so easy, I could utter the word every second when I hold you or look at you or think of sayang ala my sayang...more than sweetheart, my heartbeat. Alhamdulillah.